WoW 11.0 isnt "Aetheria" it is Otherside of Azeroth/Avaloren

Getting a whole new contintent on the other side of Azeroth instead of revamping the old world would suck.

I just want the places we know and care about updated to modern times. Give us stories and plots about what the races are doing now in the 3 years after Shadowlands.

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Butā€¦ but wow is flatā€¦ we know that. Because the sun rises the same time in Ungoro crater as it does in Stormwind.

/end sarcasm

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Doesnā€™t matter to me where the expansion takes placeā€¦ as long as I can do two things:

  • pick any race I want
  • and pick either faction I want to play on

I think it would be more interesting to make factions a player-oriented concept and open the world up to both sides.


Can blizzard rework hunters already so I can stop reading about this stupid night elf crying on every forum post. Actually starting to get irritating.

Or do some ā€œreworkingā€ that will add Lightening as an element with Raszageth and some Primalists using it.

ā€¦But then weā€™d lose the Mooncheese and Moonburgers for Electrified T-Bones and Steaks.

What pressure the writing team must be under. :dracthyr_nod:

Expect we have heard about it and it has been talked about beforeā€¦several times


Uhhhhh. About that, to the best of my knowledge (and Google), the Dragon Isles was a Vanilla idea that didnā€™t make it out of the Vanilla Beta. The next reference to it was in the War of the Ancients triliogy and even then, it was just a bunch of unamed isles. Blizzard has had to make alot of background lore for the Dragon Isles since it didnā€™t exist in the lore for the longest time since the first canon mention of the Isles is BFA, which I think was from a one-off Island Expedition quest if I remember correctly.

Onto the subject at hand, itā€™s incredibly lazy writing of Blizzard if theyā€™re just like ā€œyeah, we have this whole other side of the planet thatā€™s been hidden by a storm.ā€
Granted, we do have Metzen back so itā€™s possible that the next expansion will actually be good but only time will tell on that front.

Other side has been talked aboutā€¦ thereā€™s a reason none of the boats leave the east of Eastern Kingdom to land on the West of Kalimdor and vice versa.

The Draenei ship is still over argus, not azeroth. As far as Iā€™m aware, it has never been to azeroth. Weā€™ve always teleported to it, the first time was when Illidan opened the portal.

Not really. Look at Uldum. We knew something was there. We just could not see it.

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We keep the Vindicaar in a geosynchronous orbit on this side of Azeroth in case the need to grease some of the Horde became absolutely necesary. Velenā€™s recent transactions have given us reason to keep our guns turned on, other potential threats.

Even so, the Dragon Isles were somehow cloaked from us, and seemingly from everybody on the surface for thousands of years. Who knows what forces could be hiding something on the other side of that huge rock you call home.


It would be a gimmicky device to find yet another shrouded continent but to be honest itā€™s far superior to the alternative which is more space nonsense.

WoW was born on Azeroth, centered on it, and is meant to be about Azeroth and the peoples within it. This space junk stuff has not been good for the game. Looking back BC is something many of the devs regret or had to retcon many aspects of it, the time travel junk to Draenor failed in execution and may have been doomed anyways but one can say it was the first truly big flop expac WoW had, yeah Cata had its issues and complaints and compared to what WoW was coming off of with the high-point of Wrath it was a dip but not a failure so much as a learning opportunity. That canā€™t be said of WoD, BFA, SL which although they had systems that devs could learn from and which had/have potential, were on the whole disasters for the game, the players, the lore and the game would arguably be much stronger if theyā€™d never happened.

So I support the shrouded continent thing over the alternatives we seem to have. WoW is so sloppily and haphazardly done without real planning so no options are good options because theyā€™re all kind of hacky.

Iā€™ll also add someone else mentioned playing any race on any faction with anyone and I too hope for that.

There is another option.


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Well yes and I wouldnā€™t mind that but I doubt blizzard can pull it off or wants to. Building a proper underground expac that isnā€™t just ā€œhereā€™s this zone thatā€™s just like any surface zone but itā€™s deep undergroundā€ like deepholme was and Zaralek is would be a challenge. Iā€™d instinctively want any such expac to have a real feel of verticality including tunnels and passages that go noticeably, impressively deeper, chambers, a real cave-like feel. Of course theyā€™d have to balance this with access, updraft/downdrafts in the tunnels to speed along player movement or else content in the tunnels themselves as for example accessing Zaralek is a pain, doubly-so for leaving it with dragon-riding as you run out of stamina.

youre obssesed with globes like againā€¦ globes havent shown Pandaria or The Dragon Isles before they were offically revealed. you asked for an in game source which is valid cause most of the source is in the books. The only ingame source is a single quest completion.

it being a great eternal storm, and the only way to escape is through Storm riding would be pretty sick.

especially if they can mimic riding through a storm like in that first 2nd Dragonflight trailer or the End of The House of Dragon season 1.

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If I could eyeroll harder, I would.

This is like saying FF14 stole Endwalker from Shadowlands.

shadowlands ripped off shadowbringers.

FF14 fanboys need to stop with the copium.