WoW 11.0 isnt "Aetheria" it is Otherside of Azeroth/Avaloren

If the writers could manage to come up with a creative reason to why a DK Panda could suddenly appear in WoD or why “everyone” is suddenly okay with Man’ari joining the Alliance, they’ll manage to come up with a way for orcs to be on the other side of the planet.

How much eye pain will be felt from all the eye rolling will vary from person to person.


It’s speculation that it could be the other side of Azeroth but the idea for orcs might be possible if they use the Broken Tooth Clan.

edit: excuse me, Black Tooth Grin Clan.


Can we have one continent free of Orcs please. Just one without some Greenskin running around smacking squirrels with an axe yelling ZUG ZUG!


Off topic but live the shoulders. :wink:

Just the idea of “the other side of Azeroth” is so painful that once we make it past that all of the other nonsense would be just noise in the background.


Wouldn’t Aetheria be where Ethereals come from?


Agreed! It just opens up a bunch of questions–what about air/sea travel? They have some advanced technology and alien life, yet traveling around the world has not happened yet? “Wtf is this mist wall?”

I bet there is some lore to cover it–but regardless, hope there is more of an explanation to this place.

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I’d like to see Void take over Azeroth and cover it in shadow. It would give Blizzard the excuse they need to revamp and remaster all the old zones. We could systematically fight the void back to their LZ (Landing Zone) with the final fight being between the champions of Azeroth and a now Void infused Iridikron. During the fight we could have Xal’atath and Azshara betray him, destroy him and siphon all his power for themselves. It would be in keeping with the Void.

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Don’t forget, we have a working spaceship that has been in Azeroth’s orbit.

If anything, I think having a giant cave system makes far more sense than entire new continents because it would make sense not to discover it.


You’re asking for the writers to strain themselves when much more important things need to be written. So it’ll just be “The magical generators that were producing the shield that hid the continent and caused currents to keep ships away broke and now you see us! But we know all about you because of the Tuskarr who visited us first.”


Map in wotlk didn’t show pandaria or dragon isles.


Escaped of old Horde from Wcraft2 that went the wrongside of planet.

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Makes sense when you notice the odd locations the Gilnean survivors sailed to from Gilneas. (Surwich and Bradensbrook) :world_map::robot:


The Old Horde, it keeps cropping up like a certain STD.

Mind you, it’s a space ship that apparently perceives the Eastern Kingdoms ending at the Plaguelands.

Globes are never to be taken seriously in this game, even when it’s the literal planet, because they’ll only ever show what we already know at best.


metzen to team at QnA

“thats why i tell them not to put globes in the game because people will think thats all there is!”
“oh but itll look cool trust me”


you are going to the other side of the planet and visiting the new world of Aorzea.


It does exist though and is unexplored.

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Other side was established years ago.

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