Would you take a deaf/hoh player into raiding/m+ guild?

Would you and why ?

Sure. Theres actually a fully deaf guild that raids heroic iirc.


Undaunted am i correct both na/eu servers ?

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Yeah, anything they need to know can be typed, and they’re fully capable of learning the encounters and being good at the game


I’m sure I would. They can’t be any worse than those who can actually hear the calls and ignore them anyway, lol.

But really, with DBM, Big Wigs, and in game indicators…players can pretty easily do most mechanics without being able to hear well.


Absolutely. Nobody should let a fellow gamer’s disability get in the way of playing WoW.


Just hire a sign language interpreter for fight discussions.


Sure. Lots of tools nowadays to help folks still play.

If they’re nice and know the fights, why say no?

I still think its rad blind people can play more video games lately

I play in raids with sound off all the time.


As a whole, I’d do content with anyone that has a good attitude and is willing and able to learn to do the content. I imagine you would need a little extra effort to set up specific icons and maybe “text” macros for instructions during a fight. I am a very slow typer so I can’t do much during an encounter to type instructions.

If I’m being honest, my friends and I communicate verbally and I still mess things up, so being able to hear or speak doesn’t guarantee success.

Take the player with the right attitude and ability to work with your group towards success.

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Yes, why not?

Teamspeak is overrated anyways, many people do work just fine, without someone shouting at them. A lot of players don´t have WOW sounds enabled either, or listen to music while playing, as it is not required to hear ingame sounds to progress.

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If they are able to perform why not. I don’t know the specifics of how they manage it but I am sure there are things to assist them.

I read hoh and hoa. Like. Someone that runs a home owners association. And was like “not in a million years.”

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sure. depending on role. wouldn’t be difficult to pass along directives mid fight.

the key is there being a consistent and open form of communication that everyone is aware of

M8, I’d take a blind person with no arms. It’s about having fun with people you like. Who cares about the outcome?


I am deaf :deaf_woman:
I won’t bite you

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Ok this I have to agree.

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me being an assistant raid lead with a deaf person in raid

I got you fam

WoW isn’t a heavily sound based game. I’m used to it so I feel weird if my sound is off, I need to hear the spells connect to not feel wrong. But if it wasn’t something you were used to from the start it wouldn’t be an issue. Everything audio also has a visual indicator, and pugs do content all the time with no voice comms.

I probably wouldn’t be assigning the deaf person to communication-heavy mechanics just because it makes more sense if someone can hear and talk for it just in case, but 1 person out of many isn’t an issue.

Well they have very good eyes and brain.

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