Would you rather level quickly or through story?

I’d rather have the option for both. To be able to take a break from the grind and just learn story/lore as in the old days.


I like that they made it possible to level fast. I can always go as slow as I want. I might just stop and stare at an NPC for an hour. Nobody can stop me.

Sometimes, yes, but other times I just want to re-experince the whole thing. Just wish there was an option.

Leveling is simply a means to an end.

Get me through as fast as possible so I can get to the real game.

What is the real game? Maybe that’s the more pertinent question I should have asked.

It seems to me an MMORPG is about leveling, questing, stories, roleplaying, player vs player, dungeons, raids - doing it all together and having fun. Pick, choose…

The pressure involved in going into normal dungeons is ridiculous. The list of normal stuff can’t even be done in two hours anymore.

The currency systems, the choice removal to have to in order to “hopefully” get gear is insane.

There doesn’t seem to be balance, at all, anymore…not even faking it

What happened to the game part of this game?

Yeah, that! ^^^^

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Depends. Generally I want to go through the story but I don’t care about the leveling if there is nothing to gain from it (new spells, expansion features ect).

So for shadowlands with its scaled mobs and no new spells as you level, I’d rather just pick a covenant and auto ding lvl 60 after the first character unless there is an interesting route to level (special dungeons/PvP, Torghast ect)

First time obviously story however later on it depends if the story is enjoyable for a rerun otherwise city camping dungeon runs :smiley:

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There’s more basically mandatory story content at max level so I don’t think it’s a problem that the leveling campaign wasn’t super long; in fact it was kinda boring

I find knowing how the quest lines are going to end makes the leveling process different the second time around. Spend a bit more time looking at quest text and hints that I missed the first time through. It adds a lot to the process.

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I don’t even read quest text. I do not know the WoW lore and do not play for the story. Give me fun content, not tedious content. Group content is the most fun content Blizzard makes, so I’m good with fast leveling and minimal dailies (solo content) and give me more dungeons and raids (group content).

If the story is good, a nice leisurely pace is liked by me.

IN wow’s case that is the 1(10 for AR) to 50. Legion, Mop even wod I actually enjoy my time there. I like this part alot. In a chars life story this is the good bit.

Then I hit 50. And…I go in dungeon wait lists as much as I can. SL story is not a sip and savor run to me. its a just get this over with chore.

You will do a few hours of content jsut to talk to the Archon. This is the way!

Umm…so tell us again why Arthanduin walked up in here like he owned the place no trials and quests?

It was the way…of the too convenient plot point.

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Level quickly thanks

Easy. My choice. Level through the story line a couple of times, especially if there are differing aspects to it (Horde, Alliance, maybe specific stories to particular classes), and then on the 3rd? 10th? 20th? time through, I choose the option of speed, as with a virtual army of alts, its getting quite tedious.

Why not Boost? A - $60 each time 30 alts is $1800 USD. Umm… NO! Second, even if I had that kind of money to burn, the boost only gets me to 50.

Depends on my goals. If it’s a toon I want to play end game, faster is better for me. If it’s just something to do when I’m bored and want easy, I don’t care how long it takes.

Story on main, lvl quickly on alts.