Would you prefer a Time-Skip or Redo?

I don’t get why a redo is so popular, I’ve spent over a decade playing to this point I couldn’t stand doing it all over again. At least a time skip doesn’t entirely undo everything that’s happened.


Back to the end of Wrath. Deathwing doesn’t destroy all the good zones like Darkshore. The Horde’s lack of questing is fixed by ways that don’t involve making the Alliance lose massively in one zone after the next.

But for anything worthwhile to come out of any of this we would need to completely remove the current writing team and hire new people. I vote for bringing Metzen out of retirement and hiring William King.


Honestly never got what was so special about FF7. FF6 or FF9 can easily beat it story wise.

The first in the series I played was FF7 and I didn’t play 8 or 9. I can’t speak on those or 6 but 7 was excellent as was 10.

I saw bits and pieces of 9 as someone else played and it looked pretty good. I couldn’t get into 8.

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Time skip. I’m generally not a fan of “redos”, plus a redo would never happen so that hampers my ability (and desire) to even contemplate a redo, unfortunately.

A time skip would allow for a fresh start in a pretty much all-new environment. If the time skip was, say, 30 years, I don’t think any of the major characters would be dead of old age, and the world 100% would be peaceful (this would be the point of the time skip, to allow for a fresh slate faction-conflict wise). Imagine a faction conflict (yes, there will always be one!) where it’s actually reasonable enough to happen, it isn’t contrived, and both sides have a reasonable stake in it? Biz. Gimmie.


A time skip would be preferable in my opinion. The people of Azeroth need a vacation from world ending threats for at least 50-100 years. Then our PCs can save the world from the newest Big Bad and or mess everything up again depending on how you view it. lol.


A redo could have the better end result for what the final story would be like in its entirety.

But that ruins the investment lore fans have been cultivating for 15+ years. It would basically turn WoW into the comics industry, a cycle of brands being controlled by writers high on their own farts until their ill-advised nonsense turns the properties unworkable, at which point they give up, torch everything, and start over so they can sell new #1 issues.

And that’s not even getting into whether Blizzard would actually pull off a reboot in a satisfying way. I’d put money on “no”. They’d just screw up two versions of the story instead of one.


I’d go for a redo and change a few things. Specifically giving the Horde Mag’har earlier, keeping Garrosh more in line iwth his Stonetalon appearance and less genocidal.

I’ve been screaming this since the end of WotlK.


i wish
that i could turn back time

Neither. Board wipe.

I want all the leaders dead, then we regroup from the fallout.

Warcraft is/heavily influenced by comic book writing, and certainly comic book universes. And redoing things or wiping the board clean don’t tend to go well for comic book universes. Take the Nu52 that DC did back in 2011, for instance. Yes, there was some good stuff, but a ton of characters and plots and teams were essentially retconned and they’ve spent the last nine years trying to undo what they did without walking it all back.

A timeskip would be somewhat more feasible, but at the same time in order to shake the ghosts of the last little while, it would need to be pretty far into the future, to the point where most characters would be old or dead.


But they did walk it all back. They completely reset the universe two years ago, again lmao but I digresss

Prefer Time Skip. Give me Alliance internal conflict, mildly fascist Adult Chad Anduin, a functional Horde Council that aged like fine wine, a unified Troll Empire under Talanji, Ghostlands reclaimed with the new Forsaken capital in Darkholme or whatever it’s called, maybe Calia as Queen, Tauren Confederacy or Tauren Empire with Mayla and Baine having a “royal line”, etc

They did Rebirth in 2018 which was sort of a pseudo-compromise, they only just reset things now with whatever this new timeline they’re touting turns out to be. Either way, resets are generally pretty bad unless they’re taken very seriously and intricately planned.

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As far back as Wrath of the Lich King.

I was going to post something like this, but saw you already posted it. 100% correct.

Definitely redo, all the way back to Classic. A time skip won’t really do anything for me mostly because I don’t find any of the current story hooks all that interesting to begin with. They’ve gutted the Horde roster beyond repair, and the focus on the cosmology stuff is increasingly dull (at least partially because of how lopsided it is in relation to factions). There’s not much of anything I want to see lorewise that’s in the current or future WoW universe.

A redo, however, would allow them to go back and fix some fundamental mistakes they made from the start. Everyone knows that Vanilla’s story had its own flaws, in no small part due to the development cycle. Kalimdor was done after EK, and trolls and gnomes were very late additions to WoW (so they didn’t get much of a true story). So, I’d go back and fix things like that. Maybe flesh out that Horde Shadow Council narrative that just abruptly ends. Maybe give the Nelfs an actual story beyond their forest (or, alternately, at least flesh things out there more - Felwood and Winterspring could use a bit more story than angry furbolgs.) Maybe make the Tauren and Trolls more relevant.
Maybe give the Forsaken an actual endgame role in the plaguelands - never really understood how the Argent Dawn was able to lay claim to all of those zones uncontested.

I do admit it’s a bit of a gamble, and that they could easily screw it up. At the same time, I think it’s a much bigger gamble to think that they could fix the current narrative by just skipping ahead a few years.


Time skip.

WoD was essentially blizzards attempt at a redo in order to give us all a front seat experience of Warcraft 1 and possibly to flesh out the Mag’har story to be used as a playable race later.

Look how that turned out.

There was that many garbage contradictions left over from that expansion that it essentially ruined the entire story going forward.

Big bad Yrel anyone? That chick now canonically has to make a return at some point even though we’d all prefer the back end of that expansion never happened the way it did.

What is done cannot simply be undone, and the more AU lore exists the more overlap will exist.



Actually, if I can really daydream, what I’d like is a redo in a different medium. Like an animated series in the style of The Clone Wars with mini-arcs focusing on different characters and factions. This hypothetical series would be written by people who actually know how to craft a story and keep characters consistent and believable. It would not be bound by the needs of gameplay, and it would be explicitly given license to go in a different direction from the game where it made sense (or even just to explore alternate possibilities). Blizz could spin it as an alternate timeline, like the Kelvinverse in Star Trek.

Basically the above a Time-Skip is vastly better than some frickadoodle doo Redo.

Redo’s muddie the waters way too much and can end up just making things WORSE then anything else WoD was the real first attempt at the whole ‘Redo’ thing and it failed.

Let’s not do WoD again.

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I think a redo is a non-starter. You can’t just invalidate everyone’s in-game experiences for the past decade. What’s done is done.

Of course, they could do an “AU” of sorts by creating new material for WoW Classic, but that would raise all kinds of other issues.

No, when it comes to retail I think a time skip is the only viable option. And I think there is a decent chance of it happening - Blizzard is certainly making noises that at least give them the option.

Do I like the idea? Potentially. Like every story idea, it depends how it is handled. I know some object to the idea of just coming out of SL 10 years later to find a lot of the current story issues magically solved for us but…I’m okay with that. I am so negative about the current story arc that I don’t want to be forced to keep grinding through it in order to fix it. Feels kinda like throwing good money after bad. I would take a time skip/reset.