Would you prefer a Time-Skip or Redo?

Exactly! Good Garry is all I want. MoP could have been about the Horde and Alliance chasing Sylvanas off to a new continent where she discovers the heart instead of Garrosh.

We avoid WoD :joy::ok_hand:

Think of the cinematic with Garrosh and Varian going out like total bosses together on the Broken Shore. :cry:


Personally, I’d like to see us come back from the Shadowlands to find 100 years have passed on Azeroth… but that might be too much for some people. So, maybe 5 to 10 years.


Full redo, and hoping that it comes with the added benefit of outright culling certain plot points I hated instead of trying to “make them better”. Time skip doesn’t fix anything to me.


How about we not make stupid broad accusations/ generalizations about people who want a WoW Redo?

Especially since you got a Sylv fan right here who sure as hell doesn’t want a WoW redo considering the current WoW team can’t be trusted to capture that original feel many players once had.

Knowing them I wouldn’t be surprised if they just changed things too retroactively justify the current actions within lore, so it makes more sense for when they repeat things, they did before the redo.



A redo is essentially people trying to rewrite the Horde story from Vanilla onward. While there are Horde-specific tidbits I’d like to change, I feel like it’s better for the story to move forward instead of forcing everyone to stay in the past. There would be no benefit to the Alliance storywise if we did a redo. It would all focus on the Horde. There is already a problem with Blizzard going back to previous lore events and drastically changing them on a whim. If the story changes because people don’t like it then there’s no reason to follow an established timeline. Everything would just be rewritten, and nothing would be set in stone. The importance of events would have lost meaning.

I feel like a generous 15 year time-skip is agreeable. However, it would be awkward seeing Drek’thar and Genn’s souls in the Shadowlands. It’s just the reality of a long time-skip. Teldrassil was grown in the 4 year span between WC3 and Vanilla. Imagine the world updates we’d get in 15 years. Thrall’s kid can become chieftan of the MU Frostwolves, Tess becomes queen of Gilneas, Arathi is in ruins again, etc. Maybe we can have Anduin adopt a Horde child with his prince-consort Wrathion.



My enthusiasm for WoWs future is running on fumes right now. This way Blizzard will have the advantage of hindsight and pull a FFVII: Remake on us.


Oh so make it worse ok

No, Better.


but the remake was bad

FF7 was mediocre to begin with. Should’ve done a remake of FF6 or make a new FF Tactics

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now that would have been a remake.

I’d prefer a time skip because the current group I think did well when they had free reign - think Drustvar, and I would like to see what they could do with a fresh start.

I REALLY do not like what they are doing with pre-established lore/characters. They show little feel for how it will be seen/received by long time followers of the story and lore.

I’d go all the way back to Vanilla and make it a 4 faction game instead of 2.


yeah theres a game that did that, and its dead

more than two factions is dumb

Either one is tacit admission on the writers’ part that BfA’s story is something WoW needs to get as far away from as possible, and if Blizzard took one mantra from The X-Files it was “Deny Everything.”

A time-skip is 100% more likely of the two though. The redone vanilla->Cata zones tell a very specific, very weird, very incongruous story at this point, and with all the massive changes made to the races and factions a proper, more timeless world revamp would do wonders for Azeroth. But this is very ambitious and I’m not convinced it’s realistic.

As to which one I’d prefer… probably the revamp, for better or worse. There’s so much I wish was done differently, but in my heart I know I’d be disappointed all over again if we snapped back to BC or Wrath.


Redo would be the worse of the two and is no better then a “it was all a dream trope”. At this point I doubt they would redo anything especially considering allied races would suddenly not make sense/be infinitely harder to explain their inclusion.

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This “new city” we might be getting had better be worth the 3.5 year wait.

Go wash your mouth out with soap you heathen!!!

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Honestly, I think Blizzard should just uncanonize everything after The Frozen Throne, using Chronicle as the foundation, and completely start over.

The Forsaken and Night Elves should be neutral, neither part of the factions.

Rather than jumping the Shark every couple of years, they should focus more on world building and immersion.


Certainly a redo. There has been so much harm to aspects of the story that a time skip doesn’t resolve them, they still happened.

I’d write in a reasonable time skip or space between expansions cause back to back to back world ending threats gets… boring. Just a couple extra years, nothing crazy. The PC stays grounded too, no continuity between 3 or 4 over arching expansions to where everyone knows you. Maybe a mention here or there but again, nothing crazy. (General, Order Hall, Hero of the Horde/Alliance, of Azeroth…)

I’d probably rewrite a lot of BC and tie loose stories together. In a perfect world we’d still have Kael’thas in some capacity. Tempest Keep can still happen as is, but the end result brings Kael back into the fold either by his admission of his own double crossing of the Legion or whatever else you can put in there. Really anything that saves killing off such an iconic character as raid fodder. Illidan can probably stay as is? Horde bias, I really don’t care too much for him and feel he got a decent story in Legion.

BfA would probably the next most redone expansion too. Push it back a whole expansion as we try and stabilize the world from old gods and the like, the entire time however trust runs thin as factions fight each other, either under Old God influence unbeknown to the other or for outright opportunist bloodshed.

Alliance attacks first, we get our nice For the Horde Sylvannas, Proudfang, big Tauren boi. Undercity stands, barely, Teldrassil is too far out to siege, Ashenvale is getting clear cut but not without resistance, and the war wages on until more level, superstitious, or spiritual heads start to raise concern about the souls of the dead and bam, Shadowlands.

A lot of other more minor things too, but those are probably the more egregious examples. 13 month content drought in MoP and WoD needs to be addressed too.

i’d like to see us return from the shadowlands and like 10 or so years has passed and there’s been relative peace on azeroth so the various civilizations have been rebuilding the world.