I’m surprised we don’t have one in the game already.
We have dogs,cows,bulls,rats and, goats. But no cats.
I’m surprised we don’t have one in the game already.
We have dogs,cows,bulls,rats and, goats. But no cats.
Yes. But only because I’d play anything.
Khajit is the only time I’ve seen a cat race done well and not for the obvious furry appeal… well, there’s Thundercats obviously too but that’s the childhood nostalgia talking.
Edit: Also Saberon IS WoW’s cat race.
If they do it right anatomy-wise, absolutely. Best example coming to my mind is Rengar from LoL.
A human in a fursuit though, not really (ie Khajiits).
Yeah Saberons are cool but would need to be re-rigged entirely since they’re currently just reskinned Worgen.
Off topic but I saw the other night Hulu has Thundercats!
On topic, I would not play a cat race unless they were like the Saberon. Those would be cool.
What stinks is I’d like Ally to get Saberon, simply so they could get a cool race also, but at the same time they already have Worgen, so it’d make more sense for horde to get cats and ally to have dogs, right?
I’d want horde to also get San’layn or some other vampire race specifically to counter Worgen as well. You know, vampires vs werewolves? …but then we just keep giving horde all the cool races. Maybe give ally Sethrak at least? I dunno man.
Leorajh for the win! (One of the reasons I haven’t replaced my Barracks, even though I barely use the five extra champions for the mission table any more…)
Stock Khajiit are hideous in every iteration of Elder Scrolls though. I’ve seen some pretty awesome mods of 'em though!
Ahem. MEOW. Thank you
I’m pretty sure we have an available cat form as druids. Catgirls, OTOH are something I hope we never see in WoW.
It depends. If a race appeals to me, I give it a try.
That didn’t stop like 90% of the allied races, did it?
Well, no I wouldn’t want to be a cat. Nothing wrong with cats, love them, but I don’t want to be one.
On the other hand, if Blizzard were to make a dark leather cowl with cat ears, I wouldn’t complain too much
If it looked more “ferocious beast” and not “aww look at the kitty” then maybe.
Yes. Yes I would. Probably exclusively.