We need a new cat race to offset Vulpera, but be the allied race to Wargen. Undead can have undead elves.
Get your foot off that blasted Samoflange!!
To the topic at hand, probably not. When I dipped my toe into FFXIV they’d didn’t appeal to me.
only if it’s not disney-fied. I’d like to be a cat, but not furry-cat. Beast races shouldn’t be sexualized
I’d be tripping over myself to play one.
We have a cat class. Which I play. Would the cat race also be able to be druids?
depends on the type of cat race.
- Saberon? no
- miqo’te? yes
- Khajiit? yes.
Well that does make a compelling case
Depends. What is the cat to person ratio.
(Because i would play the latter in this game)
Edit: Bonus wildstar Aurin because that game’s dead and they’re not using em anymore. Prime for the ripping off.
If they do anything like final fantasy I stop playing Wow in protest
Like those pro-flyers thing
Depends on what they looked like. I’d take Saberon from WoW. If they came up with a new design I’d like something like the Khajiit from Elder Scrolls games or Vah Shir/Kerra from the Everquest games. If they were like the Miqo’te from FFXIV then no thanks.
I play almost anything, so probably. Not a fan of monster cosplay races though.
Play one? Probably, as I like cats.
Want one in WoW? Nope. Unless it’s not “cutesy”. Then I’m fine with it.
We already have cute goat women who crusade against demons. Who needs cats?
I still believe we will see Saberon as an allied race sooner or later. Probably horde.
Can we stop adding furries and add in something different?
Like Sethrekk or Murlocs
Valkyr or Ethereals
I wouldn’t play a cat race in WoW. Wouldn’t care too much if they added it.
Rats? That’s a weird way to describe elves
Nope. Lilmothiit > Khajiit
They’re also all dead though, so…
Ahem. Anyway. If I’m playing a beast race based off of a real animal I prefer wolves or reptiles.