Would you pay to be able to "Change Classes"

Good question… I don’t know of course, I was just putting it out there.

Clearly you didn’t actually read my post. I specifically addressed the “Alt” comment I knew was going to come.

Yes, but you could always switch back! :slight_smile:

I’m sure there are people out there who would pay for a micro transaction that had a Blizz employee do your daily tasks for the day.

What is even the point of buying any game if the mindset is to skip content by paying more?

After playing my Druid since the beginning, I switched to this character at the end of BfA.

A lot of stuff is BoA these days, but some things aren’t. The main thing is my Challenge Mode teleports from MoP and WoD (which were very useful for the last year of BfA…).

Plus 15 years of knick knacks and collectibles, many of which are no longer in the game. Although I still have those, they’re just in the bank of a character that’s now an alt. So not as big of an issue.

Would I pay cash to preserve my challenge mode teleports? Maybe! The time saved by having those in 8.3 was certainly worth twenty bucks.

I would never pay money for something like that, if it was free then maybe

Nope. I don’t tire of specs easily, and even on the odd chance that did happen, I have no need to have a capped character of whatever other classes immediately, especially since leveling plays a part in figuring out the other class I’d be playing.

In the case that I need to roll some other class for guild purposes, I have a stack of 5 free-with-xpac boosts sitting on my character select screen that satisfy that.

I wouldn’t pay to change classes, but I’d pay to add specs. Often times I enjoy one class for one role and a different class for a different role. Having to keep up 3-4 characters to fill all my PvE and PvP roles isn’t always great so being able to build them into one character would be nice.

Truth be told I wouldn’t mind a system like FFXIV’s, where you can be all classes on one character.

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The last bastion of meaningful choice in game is your class, don’t even suggest that they take that one meaningful choice away.

Plus how do you deal with something like say I wanted to change to a Paladin , does all my leather armor turn to plate or am I a paladin in leather ? what if I want to change to a mage ? am I a naked mage as they can’t wear armor or do I get free cloth armor ?

Because all of those other things are at the end are cosmetic. The class is not. A hunter isn’t interchangeable with a mage.

Also not that it is incredibly hard to level but there might be a time where it isn’t great again and people will say they’re forced to be the leveling class but switch to the good class at the end or even then there are things that are easier to get as some classes.

Like the latest mount in the instance. It was easier for tanks and hunters. Other classes did do it but it was harder. Imagine how many people would have switched for that?

We have players who will switch race when there is a low percent of performance difference. The insanity that it would be to just switch the OP/well performing class would be maddening.

Boosts are just shy of 10 levels and with leveling being incredibly easily it is probably the best we’d get. People already have a hard time playing the class they main now. At least the leveling and boosted quest area try to teach.

nay for me

I must admit there are times when I’ve felt that would be a nice option. For example, I have a goblin priest, she was the first goblin I ever made back in Cata but for the life of me I can’t get a handle on the priest class anymore. She has a lot of nice things collected, achievements, reps, etc and it would be nice to be able to swap her to a class I do enjoy playing.

As long as it didn’t cost an arm and a leg I’d probably save up some of my gold to do it.

I get the whole ‘meaningful choice’ thing but it’s a game and ultimately I have to wonder which is better - letting the toon sit there and gather dust and cobwebs because I don’t enjoy playing it, or give it a fresh start in life. Maybe you could have to take it back to the trainer who will sadly let you remove yourself from that spec and you have to do some heavy questing to be able to take on a new path through life. Make the switch meaningful too, and perhaps make it permanent; no changing again.

Considering it takes less that a week to get a max level character, no.

Takes like 4 days of playing now. I went from 1-60 in 3 days. I played for 4 hours each day. Considering that people will literally play this game for 16 hours a day, it can take many less than a day to level an entire character.

Character boosts just are not worth the money anymore and I am so happy for it. If you spend money on a character boost, you must REALLY have some disposable income. Which I would suggest just throw it at something that doesn’t fill the void of less than a day of playtime.

Give me the option to be a Blood Elf Druid or a Void Knight style class I’d be in 100%. Though I think I’d probably just level new toons.

I mean I guess I would pay to do that… but at the same time if you are perfectly fine with all your gear being complete trash potentially and unusable be my guest.

Seems like it would just be easier to make another character at that point.

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But what if you’ve been playing that toon for years. All the reps are at exalted and you wanna swap? Problem not solved. Checkmate my feline friend. :joy:

No, and I do not believe Blizzard should EVER implement such a service.

Because if they did, you just know that there would be a ton of players swapping classes to whatever happened to be the flavour of the month, and that’s not something that would be healthy for the game.

And FYI, Shadowlands is NOT punishing on alts. I really don’t know where folks are getting this idea, but it is blatantly false.

I agree with this. Make it expensive enough to discourage the fotm rerollers. But I think it’s needed. Especially now that I’ve learnt that certain classes are just plain objectively trash in modern wow gameplay design.

I’m not looking at you mage. Nope. Definitely not. :eyes:. It’s not like I regret making my rep and achieve toon a garbage pure dps class that has to compete with classes that can tank and cheese everything. Nope. No sir. Don’t regret that at all. It’s certainly not like I now understand why the original devs implemented a hybrid tax to stop that from happening. Nope. Not at all.

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If you want the ability to change class at will, go and play Final Fantasy.

What you are asking for will damage the game. It’s that simple. No matter what price point Blizzard puts on this service, there will be far too many people who will use it and it will cause serious problems.

Imagine for a moment, that you’re trying to get a group as say, a warlock. Normally you’d be able to get a group pretty easily, depending on individual skill and such, but imagine if Warlock was the FOTM? There would be far too many warlocks, most of whom are players capitalizing on FOTM and you’d have trouble getting a group through no fault of your own.

On the flip side of that coin, imagine what might happen if the Mage became FOTM while you’re playing a warlock. Now you’re also not going to get a group easily because everyone will want a mage, not a warlock. And while you personally might be able to deal with that. I guarantee you other players won’t and they’ll get frustrated to the point where they’ll swap classes, even if they don’t want to, all so that they can get into groups.

And then of course there will be folks that straight up quit because this service even exists, regardless of the price, and those who quit because it’s too expensive.

There is no positive from this service, not really. Even the slightest positive (you being able to swap from an extremely underperforming class to one that is decent) is tainted by the negatives that come with it.

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I fail to see Blizz inventing the ability to class change, unless its within the same armor class.