Would you pay to be able to "Change Classes"

You have so much time and energy into one character and you get tired of paying the spec… what then?

Yes, obviously I understand we can make alts… but I know there are a lot of people that want all their achievements and such on one character and have a connection wit that main.

We can change Race, names, servers… why not class? Especially since SL is so punishing on Alts.

Yay or Nay?


Nay. A big fat nay. I’ve never nayed so hard in my life


I would, that’s a big :+1: from me.




Can’t say I’m a fan. Maybe just the group I’m with but haven’t found ‘rolling’ new alts much of an issue, nor gearing them. Recently made a Paladin and working on a monk (which given my attitude will probably be 60 today).

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Want to play a different class? Level boost a different class. Problem solved.


Honestly I would

I would.
Once everyone becomes VDH / Hpala / Mage / Hunter / Boomie, perhaps Blizz will finally do proper balancing.

Boost is the closest you’ll get.

But I do get the reason to wanna do it. Rep would be a big one. I would have no problem if something like this came along. It’s not like it’s game breaking.

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So what happens to my gear?

If I can change from warrior to mage does my gear just swap to cloth equivalents? Sounds like a terrible idea which would result in people constantly swapping to flavor of the month classes.

The alternative is you have to re-gear that character which is no different than leveling an alt, so what’s the point?

Either way I think it’s a bad idea.


I probably would, although admittedly it’d be quite a hurdle to commit.
I might not do difficult content but this mage has been my Do Stuff character for so long that it feels kinda bad whenever I try to switch to another class for long, even if I’m enjoying it. I always was torn between mage, shaman and druid anyway.

Although usually whenever I mention this, a shaman player descends from the heavens to tap me with a newspaper for considering their class over druid. :stuck_out_tongue:

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even if you could i bet something would glitch

Nope if I want to play a new class just make an alt problem solved.



No, but I’d like to merge some characters… I don’t think all achievements are account-wide and I’m still having trouble on deciding on four mains (one for each covenant).

I’m going to have to vote no

I’d like more achievements/titles to be account wide though

But something about just buying a fotm reroll for a geared character doesn’t sit right with me. Plus achieving some things on a given class can be a lot easier or harder than on another class and its kind of wrong to achieve it on easy mode and then buy a class change to have it on a harder mode class :thinking:


You can do all the cheevos on one class as long as Blizzard doesn’t add things in that makes it hard to do various forms of content on a single toon like they have with covenants. As long as they make the game actually player friendly and not tie things like player power into rp aspects of the game , it is easy to do . Matter of fact most people were doing such before Shadowlands and their you must meaningfully choose what kind of content you want to do on each toon.

Which is just a way to pad their player metrics for the investors.

I would, but I would hate myself for it.

Personally, I wouldn’t pay for this. However, I expect many would do so and often. Every time the FOTM changes.

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