Would you like MC and Ony to be delayed?

Each raid mob is worth 20 rep… a full trash clear is around 3k rep. Except giants…

So you would have to kill 4x as many elementals as raid trash mobs.

The raid trash has 90k+ health the elementals have 3-4k health…

Pretty sure the elementals are faster. Plus you can let a group of 4 do it and now thats a rep grind that the other 36 members dont have to waste time on, so if 4 dps go and do that and are 1 level lower its much better for the group.

If you’re going to troll, try to be funny about it. Simply making up nonsense doesn’t cut it.

  1. The quests do give rep. It’s not a heap but IIRC it’s either 150-250 per.
  2. It’s about time people spend in raid vs out of it.
    3.Bosses give rep too, alot of it comparatively.
    4.In the process of gearing up your tanks in dungeons you’re going to pick up some rep, it’s not going to be alot.
  3. Theres 8 runes and MC takes a long time to traverse on foot with no/few speed boosts. Getting 8 people repped up simulataneously is more advisable than 4 or 5.
    6.If the “top” guilds are going alliance they’re going to pick humans to do this, reducing the amount needed by a hefty 10%.
    7.You only need friendly to get the pre-cursor quest to hands of the enemy, so any extra rep gained is graavy.

You don’t need to do a ridic elemental grind as realistically you’re going to burn through the mobs faster than they’re going to respawn. it’s alot easier to just clear MC upto Golemagg and reset + you’re going to be able to spawn more crafting materials.

Just did a trash run on my 120 DH in MC… I got 2770 rep from killing all the trash in the entire instance.

took me over 10 mins just to finish killing the trash not counting running out and reseting or kill times.

The quests do not give rep according to multiple sources…

bosses give 100 rep each but not sure 60s can get to Magmadar without killing Lucifron which means cant kill him or else you have to wait a week.

So Geddon, Garr and Golemag are the 3 you can kill which is 350 rep.

I did it on my monk which is a human, without touching the hands bosses I pulled out an easy 3.3k which cuts down the amount of outside rep needed sizeably. Even if the quest’s don’t give rep and I’m pretty damn sure they do you’re going to pick up another 5-600 from completing them.

The hydraxian grind isn’t going to be hurdle for guilds at all, even if some poor sods are literally recruited just for their killing elemental skills.

why does everyone pretend like you cant park a warlock with alts to summon the douser back and forth?

This is doable and it’s how I did my first run of MC as a douser. It’s jsut aloootttttt of slow running inside the instance.

I mean do you realize how hard that is… do you honestly think you will be able to get a level 20 warlock to azshara in under a week… and then to top that all off you have to have 2 more alts at any level who can make it there… Like have you seen how far it is to get to Him from Org/Dustwallow?

You don’t need to use an alt for it, once MC is clear you take a raiding lock out via mage portal + 2 others.

do you honestly think guilds pushing for these week 1 clears only have 40 people on roster?

  1. I was being sarcastic

  2. the whole point of having a warlock there is so you dont have to waste time while people get there, so porting out a warlock is not really doing its job even if you are horde and are porting to ORG.

but ya getting someone not on the raid team who levels up a warlock to 20 and then have 2 people run lvl 1 alts out there… very easy then you just summon all the people and a warlock in the raid summons them back.

Its called sarcasm…


You can’t summon inside the instance.

1 warlock at entrance to MC, one warlock to summon people to raids, and alt warlocks to summon to azshara

The entrance to MC is in BRD.

*an entrance

brd entrance or teleport from npc.

No… you have a lvl 20+ warlock alt and 2 other alts sitting in Azshara next to Hydraxis, the 1-6 doussers drop group and join the warlocks alt group and get summoned to Hydraxis where they get a new quintessence. While this is going on a warlock and 2 raid members run out of the instance and summon them back to the Entrance after they get there quintessence. If you have 1 person with the rep it has to be done alot if you have 4 they each only have to do this 1 time.

Correct. Teleport from an NPC outside the instance, or you could just jump through the window.

What was your point?