Would you like a forum awards system similar to what reddit has?

What do you think?


Assuming someone here doesn’t use Reddit enough to know what that is, what would such a system entail?


I think everyone should get all the perks from the start, and if you mess up, you lose them.

Sucks when ppl mass report around here for no reason tho.


You can optionally buy ‘points’ through reddit, and use the points to award posts you like with a large variety of different little graphical awards – trophies, animated icons, and all sorts of things. The awards will show up at the top of the posts, and everyone will see them.

no, absolutely not. the less a place is like reddit, the better.


Yeah I agree. This place is so much better than reddit in my opinion, so I wouldn’t want to see it becoming similar to that.

As in with real money? Just to put graphics on someone else’s post?


No. The WoW forums is too small for this so it was just be cliques exchanging awards with each other and artificially making a post seem better and more agreeable than it actually is.


Its for pointless internet points. You buy them ironically to ironically give them to people who accept them ironically.

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

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Part of the problem with Reddit awards is they encourage a lot of low quality posts by rewarding volume. That exists to a certain extent with tiers here, but at least after tier 3 there’s no advantage to doing so as maintaining that tier is pretty easy.

Then there’s their paid rewards, which are just a total non-starter.


I think the like system the forums has is perfect right now, there’s some massflag for the true stinker posts and least with no downvotes I feel like people are more honest and they don’t feel forced to say the “correct” opinion, leading to better discussions.


Yes, lol, it is exactly that. :sweat_smile:

It’s fun though.

Are you familiar with using Discord? They have a nice little awards system too where you can award posts with various little images and such, and theirs is free.

The point of Reddit ARE forums. That’s not the point of this forum.

(I’m actually impressed how well constructed this forum is. Would prefer slightly stronger moderation, but whatever.)

discussion sites shouldn’t have any award system other than like and dislike. it’s for a discussion not dopamine points.

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the only thing from Reddit I’d want implemented on these forums is the feature they have that detects people manipulating the system through alternate accounts. It’d be enlightening to see who gets some forum vacations from mass reporting on multiple accounts.

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That’s exactly what happened back when we still had upvotes/downvotes. Cliques, guilds, etc would run through and mass downvote things they didn’t agree with to get posts hidden and mass upvote their own posts to try to steer public opinion.

They’re ok but if I had to make a change I’d do away with the realtime replies, because they tend to fuel flamewars with short unsubstantial instant messenger style posts. Could probably do without infinite scroll too, because people tend to read through whole threads a lot less often than they did with the old school paged system.

Sock puppeting should trigger this system too.

What a weird system! No wonder I avoid Reddit, I must have known it was weird there.

Reddit can function using that type of award system because of it’s mass.

These forums nowhere near approach that, and it’d either be a cliquey mess like Bloom said earlier, or it’d be used approximately four times before people stopped using it altogether, and forgot about it.

lol… :joy:

Their awards system is actually really cool.

The upvote/downvote system is wretched and deplorable. We all know from previous experiences here how that sort of thing always works out. I’d never advocate for having something like that here again.

A little awards system though is fun – keyword: fun. It’s not just a system for approve/disapprove. It’s way more complex than that. You guys aren’t thinking broadly enough.

For example, you can give someone a little award of a tiny person with arm’s outstretched to give a hug and/or support. There’s an award for a laughing turtle for something that made you laugh.

There’s all kinds of things.

This is the entire reason I hide my profile. Because I don’t want people to know when I’m typing a reply. Unfortunately you can’t choose to just hide that, it’s all or nothing.

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