Would you like a forum awards system similar to what reddit has?

You mean like this?


I wouldnt mind having little fun action emotes but not to pay for them, thats just silly.

Sounds like Twitch awards. I just want to regain trust 3 and hopefully keep it.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Thatā€™s me, I spend as little time on reddit as possible


I find various communities useful for D&D, and I keep track of a few game updates there, but the general conversation ones seem utterly pointless to me.

No. Most of the awards I see going out are to push propaganda, sponsored ads, subtle advertising, or really crappy jokes that contribute nothing to the conversation. Occasionally Iā€™ll see really good posts get some awards but that is often few and far between.

You guys are only focusing on the negative and not even attempting to see the positive potential in anything. :man_facepalming:

All that we have now for self expression on the forums is the ability to post youtube video links, and imagesā€¦ and most of us donā€™t have the forum trust level to post images so only a very few of us ever get to enjoy that.

Something new would be nice. It would be a good thing to have some sort of new option to have fun with.

I feel like no matter how I toss this in the pot, you guys are just gonna throw salt on it.

Very salty soup hereā€¦ Sallllllllty, salty soup. :sweat_smile:

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because the last time a new feature got introduced on these forums it got abused and taken away.

P2W forum flamewars? No thank you.

it would be cool but then again this is the community that got the downvote button taken away

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No, I donā€™t think thatā€™d be good. Well, it might have the result of less flagging being used as a downvote but Idk, maybe not.

I think these forums already have enough burdensome furniture in the form of trust levels as it is.

You get an award!

You get an award!

Everyone gets an award!


Sounds like how Steam forums work. Their points are used to buy graphics for your profile. After you have what you want, they are only good for giving away as awards.

It would be something excellent, hopefully it would not affect the level of trust since that would be unfair and immoral for the rest of the community that just wants to enjoy and be attentive to some information from the forum that will help us with what they expect in the progress of the game.

No, Reddit is plagued by the ā€œquirkyā€, ā€œwittyā€ comments being at the top of a discussion. Post a meme or a pop culture reference and next thing you know everything is derailed. All because people wanted updoots and awards.

they should bring back the dislike button

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and whatā€™s on WoWhead, their comment and rewards are the same.

Too bad they are very severe in the post, and for all the time deleting pointless post and without your consent.

They are the most toxic of the WoW sites starting with Taliesin.

Hahahaā€¦ Silly and talentedā€¦ :blush:

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