Would you guys have interest in a classic reset? if yes, when?

my journey would probably end at mop and i consider wod for arenas only
but after that i would be all in for a full reset

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Honestly they should keep era servers of every expac and just reset them every couple years. They are worried about splitting their player base up, I think, (not to mention their work-force) but if the servers stay populated, I don’t see the problem with it.

I would say sometime around when Legion wraps up, is when a new set of servers should start. That puts these current servers closer to the retail end of expansions and would keep quite some breathing room between a fresh vanilla progression server, these current ones and retail.

After having played SoD for the past few months, not really interested in a reset right now, personally. I feel it would be akin to how they released SoM like not long after finishing leveling alts in TBC.

I’m kind of looking forward to a chill Cata experience with a focus on Arenas, and not on grinding consumables for raids right now.


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i agree, i feel like a reset anytime soon would be a complete disaster
they need to let the dust settle a bit, sod to be over, this classic version to be over, 1-2 wows active at that time tops