Would you eat Sylvanas?

Thanks bro, I try my hardest.
See? I can be equally obnoxious

Now let’s see the “Nailed It” version.

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Walk This Way: Aerosmith

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Nah that’s all frosting. Go for the thigh meat.


uhh eat? as eating a chunk of her? isnt she dead and rotting?

I think ‘slice’ would be better language. :laughing:

well still its a big no from me.

no matter how it means, I am sure she’s expired.

Now pre banshee Sylvie?

cha cha cha

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She probably has all the flavor and causes all the complications of moldy, expired meat.


Dig in, I guess.

Gotta say, I’d try it!

No! Absolutely not. It’s barely edible playdoh!

Eating Sylvanas…would be awkward but I’m sure the Forsaken wouldn’t mind. They eat rotting flesh all the time.

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No I like male cakes

gonna be tough to cut a slice from that thing.

imagine all the supports in there lol

I would blend her into a smoothy, add a banana then enjoy her through a straw.

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ewwwww no… fondant is gross




Marzipan is tasty if you prefer, and I don’t like soft fondant as much, I prefer hard icing like on wedding cakes.

I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to cake, growing up my parents owned a multi-million dollar gourmet cheesecake company, so I had on demand access to some of the best cheesecakes on the planet. as a result, most of what passes for “cake” is just too bready, and too cloyingly sweet with FAR too much sugar and not nearly enough flavor.