Would you eat Sylvanas?

Yeah, I know, it’s tough!

Pft these peasants, I tell you old chap, totally clueless!

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Fondant :nauseated_face:

That’s a cake? How is it even staying upright like that?

Oh god, I can smell it through the screen.

Even my pet ghouls wouldn’t eat Sylvanas.


The dark magic of no one wanting to eat Sylvanas keeps it up right…

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As a bear, I’d absolutely eat her. What a silly question. :heart:

Not me but I’m sure Anduin would. It would be their honeymoon cake, I think Sylvanas would have one of Anduin too, wonder what flavor each would be. :thinking:

skimmed thru this thread and i didn’t notice any reference to this music video where the girl gets eaten as cake near the end

but i’d likely not eat a cake decorated as Sylvanas, unless it is guaranteed Red Velvet flavored

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