Would you eat Sylvanas?

peaks in thread Nope, not going there. Not even in innuendo

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I’m gonna go ahead and say no…

Welcome to the cult of cannibalism…

Probably not, its a sylvanas cake, so likely full of raisens and prunes or something gross like that.

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Interesting fact… as predators cats don’t have the taste buds to register sweet tastes…just meat flavor…

What does that have to do with me?

You get first dibs buddy :wink:…I-I’m just gonna hang back here and watch…

Is this you?



I i’m not a necrophage, sorry :face_vomiting:

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I look much prettier than that!

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I can’t believe this thread has gotten to 150 posts lol

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Hey that’s me! Hair, clothes, everything.

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OP is asking the question about the cake…

I would in a heart beat she looks like mint chip ice-cream.

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I wonder what flavor she would be…ghoul berry perhaps, with a touch of smokey wood flavoring.

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It is you! What do we eat first I wonder, shoulder pads look yummy? :rofl:

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No no please no more cake i’m still recovering from the last cake meme.

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I would eat all the cake. Imma cake monster rawr!

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I wonder how many forum mods pounced on this before seeing the photo. :rofl:


HUE HUE HUE. suuppper clever XD