Would you be mad if the H got Vykrul and A got moon dwarves

Part of me says maybe we’ll see something involving time travel, knights and fairies and water ladies and stuff… the other half is just like… been there done that!

I doubt it was hidden from Garrosh, these areas are well armed against anyone. I can assume even Ogrezonia considering the juggernaut warships. :ship:

The fae dragon wasn’t a Blizzcon mount, and most of the “teaser mounts” they put in the shop don’t reveal anything about upcoming content beyond “this is a model that will appear on creatures somewhere.”

Besides, that elemental is almost certainly a snow/ice elemental, since it’s for BlizzCon, the event hosted by Blizzard.

Oh I thought it was originally a blizzcon mount they put on the story… my bad.

I would like more options for current races moreso than new racea

AFAIK, the only mounts they’ve done for BlizzCon were the Big Blizzard Bear (2008), the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Airships (2017), Snowstorm (2022, wound up being a bear model that appears in DF), and now that elemental.

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We knew where kill tiras was tbh. We just didn’t talk to them yet considering they left the alliance since… Jaina…

Check red shirt guy on Twitter, they have the skin of the Gryphon mount posted there.

As a Spanish native speaker, it’s the third person plural, in the perfect simple past form, if I’m not mistaken, for the verb to endorse. It’s also “back”, but in the sense of backing something up, not the back of something.

Now, being such a specific conjugation (they endorsed), it’s highly specific and I doubt they’re using it for its Spanish meaning. I’d say it’s just a coincidence.

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dark iron dwarves literally would have zero reason to join the horde, especially considering they’ve been part of the alliance for quite some time before BFA

Moon dwarves? Like, Dwarves who live on the Moon? Well, FFXIV has rabbits so why not.

As for playable. Honestly I’m rather burned out on new races. I can barely get the ones we have sorted.