Would you be mad if the H got Vykrul and A got moon dwarves

Vykrul kind of give that ancient Nordic Human flavor not represented in the current alliance

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Way to kill the dream.

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Not even that, it’d be another random situation of “Holy crap this island was hiding!”

“Sir! An island has emerged from mist!”

“Uh. Sir! Two more islands have randomly popped up! One of them was – well, shrouded in mist again, but this time was Zandalari mist. And the other was some weird human storm stuff.”

“…Uh. Go forth and conquer it? Turn it red?”

“SIR! You won’t believe it! Another island has popped up! Get this. Out from some obscuring mist! The dragons found it!”

“Crap, we signed an armistice already.”


People keep asking for new races but barely anyone bothers to play the new races already added.


It’s not really random when we know since the beginning people don’t travel from west of Kalimdor and land on east of eastern kingdoms.

There’s always been a mystery about it

They would play them if they weren’t so ugly. Make a race of chris hemsworths or margot robbies…
/has ptsd of all those harley quinn halloween outfits

Nm nm

Most of the new races added should have been customization options in my opinion. Now if they had did something different say have Dark Irons go Horde and Hightmountain go Alliance then them being separate races makes more sense.

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Yes because that’s more humans. Tall and short.

Humans are the most boring race in a fantasy game.

I want saberon for the Horde.

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More races to make worgen mad they don’t have tails.


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Whatever lets me roll a 10’ tall Viking warrior. Wanted to play a Vrykul since Wrath.

You guys beat saberon to that :stuck_out_tongue:

The Alliance needs a non-human race badly.

Australian expansion confirmed

Wow: dingos and babies

Would play

Making light of a baby getting eaten is… a take, I guess

I wouldn’t be mad, I but I have no interest in either of those options.


Oh you

I’d be a little upset if any faction got a 3rd iteration of the same race. At that point, it’d be better to rework the character selection system to have race/subrace/faction.

Which datamine was this? Last I checked, all we had was a name, and the only “leak” that talked about moon dwarves was confirmed fake by the author.

people are surmising that the Blizzcon mount (bottom right of ad) is for the new expansion. which is sort of historically they way they’ve done things… That fae dragon was one for WoD.