Would you be mad if the H got Vykrul and A got moon dwarves

I’m asking this cause we only have confirmation that 2 races are present in Avalaron.

Vykrul and Dwarves.

Tbh i would be mad if the Horde got Vykrul instead of Ogres… I’m hoping the alliance get Vykrul and theres a questline to make dwarves have moon dwarf customizations.

For the Horde variant even though it makes no sense give us Ogres with a questline to make Moknathl…please dont give the horde Vykrul blizzard im begging


:thinking: :confused: :woman_shrugging:


Apparently, “avalaron” is Spanish for “back” or “endorse”.

Yeah, I have no idea either.

Moon dwarves should have that overstated Californian accent. I think from SNL it was.

Vrykul hate humans and think they are mistakes. If it was a choice between ogres or vrykul, definitely ogres, but they would probably go to Horde anyway. As for moon dwarves… what is a moon dwarf, and what do they taste like?

Moon Dwarves? Wut?


And yet Vrykul also worked with humans which is how we have Thornspeakers.

But they were a missed opportunity with the Drust and one we won’t get now.

Also, OP: what in tarnation is a “moon dwarf?”

Also also: it’s “Avaloren.” And I’m highly skeptical we’re getting a third expansion with a magically hidden island, making it two in a row of magically hidden islands.

Avalaron is the zone we were told about in uldaman at the launch of Dragonflight.

Odyn sent Vykrul there that never returned.
The titans sent Earthen, their datamined mount looks elune inspired, it’s deep blues so the theory is they’re more spiritual dwarves that prays to Elune, the zone they’re in is called Khaz Algar but this is one zone on the continent of Avalaron

I wouldn’t want either and I play both sides while maining Horde but I wouldn’t be mad I’d just not ever play either like I don’t play Void Elves, Gnomes, Orcs, etc.

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Honestly if i can make a 2 headed ogre shadow priest next expansion I’ll immediately sub for 12 months

Players: “Hey Blizz, here’s a list of a zillion different races we’d all love to be playable.”

Blizz: “Alright, hear us out. What about dwarves. Plus night elves. Moon dwarves

Players: …


I’d have to see female models because I haven’t really seen female ogre models and customizations outside of very basic one once someone drew up as like fan art.

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[quote=“Dan-emerald-dream, post:11, topic:1681862”]
Blizz: “Alright, hear us out. What about dwarves. Plus night elves. Moon dwarves
[/quote] The alliance always get wierd races.

That’s why I’m hoping they get Vykrul instead

My memory is foggy but weren’t there savages from a book of in Uldaman? :world_map::robot:

edit: Possible there could be some trolls or tauren although also possible it’s troggs as titanforged don’t get along well with. :mag::robot:

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I would say hopefully they could go the Draenei route, go to Meg the stallion and make them hot 2 headed babes but they might just make them ugly cause" being hot is bad"

Moon dwarf? :thinking:

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I read moon dwarves and now I cannot get the image of dwarves in Sailor Moon outfits with space buns out of my head…their beards would be glorious.


Lol, too funny but also sounds way cool so I approve.

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To me moon dwarves are just wildhammer dwarves with night Elven tattoos instead of wildhammer tattoos

Do I want another flavor of human? After Gnome, Dwarf, Human, DI Dwarf, Mechagnome, and Kul Tiran human? No thanks. Just add moon dwarf customizations if players would really want that.