Would you be interested? [Alliance][Community]

So I’ve been looking to find a community, Alliance since that’s what I play, that is just a group of adults who wanna do in-game things without the stress of the jerks and elitists in the game. I don’t mean to imply I don’t want to complete goals or progress, I just don’t want to deal with the players who can’t stand it when other players aren’t perfect. Everyone has to learn at some point, learn how to do dungeons, how to overcome mechanics and it gets old getting snapped at or kicked because you happen to be one of those players.

With that said, I made a post ([A][NA] LF Adult based, friendly, active community - #7 by Rukiaz-windrunner) here hoping to find such a community but really no luck. I did get an invite to a guild but I want specifically a community cause I have my own guild. That guild did invite me to their discord and so far it’s been fine. I still want an actual in-game community though.

My post got a few replies of people looking for something similar to me but with no luck. I thought about making my own community but I really don’t want the responsibility of “leading”. I did it for many years on FFXI and just not looking to do it again. But then I thought, what about making a community without leading. Literally just be the creator so it can get kicked off and see where it goes from there.

If anyone would be in interested in such a community please let me know. This community wouldn’t be to schedule raids, lead events, or anything. More just a social environment of like-mind players to find groups that are understanding and respectful. Let me know, share thoughts, we’ll see where this goes.


I’d be down to join. I’m in my mid-30s and I have been wanting to find or create a similar community since coming back to WoW (haven’t played since WotLK).

Looking for chill people that want to socialize and maybe try out mythic dungeons without the toxicity / blame game when things take an unexpected turn.

I’ve been pugging heroics which has been fun, but even thinking about going into the group finder for mythics is just a no-go for me.

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