[A][NA] LF Adult based, friendly, active community

Hello there, I’m looking for a community that values quality or quantity. Not necessarily in skill but more so personality. I’m what most would call casually, I play a lot, but just don’t push to be top of anything. I just like playing and I dabble in most things at least a little. I dislike dealing with the random crap that random players tend to add to the game. I love doing dungeons, even picked up tanking again this expansion, but it gets so old when players expect you to know every aspect of a dungeon even on your first run.

With that said, I do try to make my own groups through the custom group finder t let players know I’m trying to learn the dungeon and it’s worked out for the most part. I still get the occasional guy who blames the tank for everything, wants to rush and pull everything, the typical annoyances. I’m generally a solo player because of such players, have been for years, but I thought I might try to find a community that is a little more understand and a lot less annoying .

I’m not saying I am a bad player, nor saying I am good, but people gotta understand that everyone as to learn at some point. Anyway, I’d much rather prefer a more adult based atmosphere. I like to joke around, have a good time, and I don’t feel like dealing with people that get touchy over every little thing.

A bit of game info about myself. I main PLD, prot atm, but I do love ret as well. I like playing alts, have at least one of every class. Crafting and pet battling is another pastime of mine. I usually play several hours a day and don’t mind helping other players in most situations. I am looking for a “Community” specifically because I own a guild for storage and alt purposes. Not sure if it’s a thing but I’d be just fine joining an active Discord as well.

Thanks for considering me to join your group, looking forward to hearing back from any one. Can reply here or msg me in game, Forlorn#1724

Edit: Check out this post if you’re looking for something similar.

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I see your post.
I squee at your exact words-
“quality over quantity”

We are a slow grow, small guild- play what you want- the only expectations are to share pet pictures on discord or facebook because animals are better than people. We support our members getting the most of what they want from the game with their game time- whether or not, it is with us.

and then… I see you’re a paladin…
Do I need to say more???

I have to take a deep breath. As a warlock… I can’t. I just can’t deal with paladins!.. and they often make the best and/or considerate posts! I will suffer with this reply because I’ve gotten this far, before switching to a different toon and go suck another soul and wash my eyes out. Thank Bastion… you are not a god forsaken human…

You may investigate for more information; I will direct our boss cough paladin… cough Kirrin to put in some better words, as this likely left a confusing turned off feeling for us. I DO NOT do paladins.


I am the Paladin Illustria speaks of.

I believe we may just be exactly what you are looking for in a guild. We do not make demands of our guild members, we each play the game as we are comfortable playing. We focus on social and fun, rather than manadatory M+ and raid days.

We do attempt cat herding for Dungeon runs and dip our toes in M+ and work with other friendly groups to have some of our members dive into Raids. We very much enjoy mount farming, pet battles, and achieve-hunting!

We are a small guild and grow slow. Our Discord is quite active and would be happy to send you an invite. I will add your BTag, mine is Kiriin#1940

Hi, thanks for replying, to both of you. I just accepted the friend request, and I was up for hanging out and see how things go but then I realized you’re a guild. I am unfortunately specifically looking for a community. I own a personal guild that I keep all my characters in. :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

Hello! Wow, in reading this you would have thought I wrote your post! I am in the same boat as you. I do have my own guild with some of my friends in it, but they have IRL stuff going on, playing other games or are still leveling their toons. I have given up on PUGs as I seem to be a magnet for toxic players. I want to find a community where I can learn the dungeons and maybe even some raiding. I mainly solo now (have for awhile) and play for a few hours a day. I have many alts (both factions) that I will eventually level up. I also love to to old raid/dungeon runs for mountsm pets, toys and tmogs. I main a velf BM hunter with a 168 ilvl. Just want a fun bunch of people to hang out with and learn. I do have a weird sense of humor and would like to be around like minded people to just have a great time and not take everything too seriously. After all it is just a game!

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I joined the discord from the above reply from Kirrin. Seems like nice people so far but have yet to do any content with them. Would still like to join an in-game community but seems everyone just had guilds lol. Hopefully over time someone with a community that fits criteria will stroll acrossed my post.

Thought of making my own but I’ve had enough of “leading” from my FFXI days. I just wanna be a sheep now. :rofl: