Give it another six months, and we can laugh at all the people who thought Shadowlands would be better than BFA.
I doubt they are going to add back in anything as bad as corruption or azerite gear…we have a long way to go before anyone can seriously say that.
I think it could be, but that involves the Developers doing what is the hardest thing for their core-leads, many of which have had to kiss many rings to get to where they are now. Because they had to (and don’t say I don’t know what I’m talking about. I worked in the gaming-industry once upon a time myself), they are very reluctant to think outside of what they are told to think.
The primary things that need to be addressed in the company are the following, and I’ve said them since launch day on. If there is a legitimate mistake or problem, (and I don’t mean a greedy player demanding nerfs because they were whacked in PVP); then the first thing to do is to accepting the mistake, own it, and then communicating how one will fix it.
Also less “we’ll do what we want and you can go to hell” mentalities would also be wise. Players are surprisingly forgiving, but if you time and again double down on things that you know from just reading the forums are unpopular; or engage in shady business practices like the Eternal Traveler set; remember that too will have a price long term. Players will remember and the company will be held accountable for many years after.
All in all, it becomes a very vicious cycle. You can’t blame Blizzard exclusively for it, but neither can you blame the player base for it either. If the company can adhere to what their player base wants within reason, like the character customization business; most of the time the rest falls into place and it all works out.
Additionally there is no shame in saying “We can’t do this right now because of Covid-19 doing this to our work schedules.” People are amazingly tolerant when a person or business is open and candid about the situation.
Frankly Blizzard should be thanking their lucky stars that 16 years out there are people still trying to make the game better and that the Warcraft Franchise means something to them. Now that I’ve said this, I’ll leave it at that. I do know however that if they do nothing, they won’t ever sell a game like WoW ever again; because players will NOT trust them in such a way again.
Battle Royale
A battle royale game is an online multiplayer video game genre that blends the survival, exploration, and scavenging elements of a survival game with last-man-standing gameplay.
one of the features they cut and backed off from is customization, which can be done at home as some designer in reddit showed after playing with customization and etc
for some weird reason they decided to cut costs on that after selling us expansion that gave us hope for more customization, it was so underwhelming
A very bad game.
This type of stuff was a problem before covid.
It’s not a covid problem, its ringing every last penny from the game while spending as little resources as possible to develop it. This game should be awash in frequent high quality content updates with as much money as Blizz makes on this game, instead they run it on a shoestring budget doing just enough to get by. This is our fault though, because we are still here giving them our money.
If anything, when you have to make cutting costs it should be to the higher ups who made the decisions. In Nintendo when the Wii U flopped the CEOs took huge cuts so as to NOT lay off their staff. THAT’S HOW CUTTING COSTS SHOULD BE.'s%20top%20executives%20are%20taking,reductions%20of%2020%25%2D30%25.
It has that feeling. Kinda like when Ubisoft nuked it’s mod making components in a game via a patch despite record sales and a booming playerbase.
They’d rather us buy a brand new game than patch or expand on an existing one. I have no doubt the dev team is like…we could be building skyscrapers of steel, but the players want more mud huts
…what you are talking about.