Would this be as underwhelming if covid didn't happen?

Honestly I don’t know…Think Blizzards problems are deeper than that.


They have infinate financial resources and most could work from home, and they had extra time, and TRULY INSANE amounts of player feedback they chose to mostly ignore.

Not a covid problem.


They literally could have made an entirely new game by now when they saw how dumbly BFA was doing.

ION is a major problem but so is using a game that is running on 20+ year old technology. Scrap the COBOL core of WOW and create a modern game, preferably not a MMO or FORTNITE style game.


I agree with you. Not a Covid problem.


I really feel like their problem is the passion is no longer there. When the game was new, up thru Wrath, there was a passion there. They were telling stories they cared about and making the kind of game they wanted to play.

Now I wonder if anyone who works on this game even actually plays it.

But, maybe its just not possible for a big company to have that kind of “built in your garage” passion of its yesteryear. Maybe once a company gets big enough…its just not possible, and it just becomes about the bottom line.


ion doesnt do 99% of the content. he just logs in to raid and logs out


The built in your Garage of Yesteryear feeling is way over. Now it’s squeeze it for every penny before it ends. I’m sure they have a unplug date set up. When WoW dies for real.


Them firing off competent staff and CEOs getting 7 figure bonuses helped ruin them more so than covid.


That damn date keeps getting pushed back, doesn’t it. I’m sure they all want to move on from WoW and on to something new. Damn these customers that keep playing it.

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Mass firing of Staff was the worst move they made. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot for a few extra bucks.


whats a “fortnite” style game?

Basically a First Person Shooter (FPS).

its not even a FPS, what are you people on?

Remember that one time in all the expansions outside of COVID where Blizzard took feedback and gave it to a Fellowes intern?

They have a model that they’re going to follow.

It’s kind of like praying imo. If you believe that here is a “God”, and that “God” has a plan for everyone, then why are you praying to “God” to have it change its plan for you or other people.

Similarly, if you know Blizzard have the financial means and staff to make a good game, why are you wasting your time telling them your Christmas list for WoW?

They don’t care. They have their own plan - you’re the last thing accounted for in that plan.

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6.1 showed chinks in the armor… passing off literal side projects as content. It has gone downhill since then.

Tough to tell.

Lets compare BfA released Aug 14th 2018, BlizzCon Nov 3rd, 2018 (less than 3 months later) they showcased 8.1, 8.1.5 and teased 8.2.

Now Shadowlands released October 27th, 2020, and BlizzCon Feb 19th 2020 (almost 4 months later) they showcased some of 9.1, nothing about 9.1.5 or 9.2.

So yeah I would have to say they are behind on a development level. Whether thats because of COVID or other reason I have no clue. But regardless they do seem to be behind and this will likely impact the rest of the expansion

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It’s a simple lack of competence top to bottom.

Definitely Not a covid problem.


I have seen it all the time.

The priority of business is supposed to be about making money. When business makes cutting costs a priority over making money that is a big red flag.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

And who could blame them. They have an aggressive player base who calls for their firing all the time. Or for the game that employees them to be shut down…which would also lead to their unemployment.

You were waiting for that I see. :+1:

Thread isn’t worth it I decided. Neither is replying to you.

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