Would the Broken slaves Illidan had feel sorry for him after learning he almost had a powerup forced on him?

Do you think that the hundreds of slaves Illidan had used in Zangamarsh would feel pity for him upon learning he so horribly almost had his bodily autonomy taken from him with a power up he wasn’t interested in forced upon him by Xe’ra?

Just curious what you guys think? I can’t quite decide for myself…

some of the tribes like the Murkblood are also evil. Cuz this is no excuse but I feel with a few exceptions non of Illidan’s servants had a good side to them until we defeated them all.

The slaves in the slave pens don’t feel like anything other than slaves…

Please stop feeling the naga’s slaves.

It is rude.


slavery is bad yes. And the Draenei deserve better. But SOME followed Illidan willingly.

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Sure but I’m not talking about the Ashtongue Deathsworn here.

He did not only use them in Zangarmarsh thought, but also in Hellfire Peninsula, i say it because, people will say like “ho but it was the nagas!” but here with Hellfire they cant.

What do you mean?

I mean, you have a boss in slaves pens literally called “THE TRAITOR!” and he is a Murkblood broken.

Now about your question, i think they should not feel sorry for him, because there is no excuses for forcing people to work for you.

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Why should they? Illidan is one person who caused misery to many, his personal sufferings don’t balance that out.


I dunno. The Dark Irons have whole legions of slaves mining for them and we’re all supposed to be fine with Moira as one of this expac’s main protagonists. Thrall gave the okay on slave fighting pits in Orgrimmar and he’s still the poster boy for “Good Orcs.”

Slavery was fashionable before WotLK! You can’t apply modern morality to actions taken all the way back in 2007.


Even IF this was the case Lady Vashj had his giant rubber stamp of approval and they were working together directly.

Yes, but one could assume that, its “what nagas do” because, well, its what they do, slavery is part of the nagas culture.

But in the case of Outland, its not only the nagas who enslaved, but the Illidari in general.

You also had slaves gladiators trained by Reghar friends in Cata quests, as well as the Zandalari enslaving the goblins, so it was a thing even up to Cata

And then, you also have the mogus enslaving the Pandaren, which mean it was also a thing up to MoP

Then in WoD you also have it, and then in Legion, and then in bfa, and its in SL they started to whitewash slavery…

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THIS is why I really try to get it into peoples heads, WoW does not have good guy’s. And no, its characters are not “morally grey” they are (almost all) evil.

Problem is, thats true to an extent, as the dark iron doing slavery, is no longer mentioned, as if blizz tried to hide it. Once a race become playable, they no longer allowed to be “evil”

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I mean, does it have to be continuously mentioned? We also see playble races societies doing some pretty evil stuff.
I’m not even quite sure blizzard is even trying to hide it. O.o

Ware was comparing how the slaves in the Slave Pens felt compared to how other slaves feel (IE basically the same).

He is feeling slaves and it is very wrong!!

Please leave the poor broken draino slaves alone and stop feeling them!! They do not wish to be groped!!

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They reinvented slavery in the Horde just to give Varian another reason to hate the Horde.

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Because its part of the culture of the races, for examples, when it comes to the dark iron, we did see them quite a bit in bfa, and was slaves ever used to do their work? Not at all.

And it was not mentioned since Vanilla really, which can make me ask, if its still a thing, not to mention, recently they retconed how the dark iron were, like trying to tell you thaurisan was a good guy…

Oh i get you now, i was bit confused what you meant by “feeling slaves”


Minor spelling mistake :sob:

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This is the problem with how they write. Nothing ever is properly concluded and when people ask too many questions, it ends up getting reconned years later.

If we assume Dark Iron and Orcs no longer have slaves then we could assume anything about any lore that has not been mentioned in game for a long time.
We also have Dark Irons essentially using napalm in BfA as well.

I dont think culture gets a pass on evil (but that’s not something I want to really get into here)


“Evil” is a matter of pov in some cases, and i get why you dont want to get into it, because you know you will get hard bited.

Because there is many cultures that you would quality as “doing wrong” but for them they not wrong, and i will ask : by whom moral are you right and them wrong?

I dont try to defend anything, just put a more neutral view.

I mean, i saw that, with the Zandalari for example, regarding the goblins, they did remove word “slave” and said “they forced them to do something”

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