Would satyrs be a good playable race for alliance, horde, or neutral?

Correct, apparently I still mixed up the two, Satyrs are actually Greek while Fauns are Roman.

you guys are right - why does no one else understand that

This kind of saytr isn’t the wow kind. I doubt they’d add the more traditional version given the demon version of wow.

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They were originally Night Elves.

Alliance, because Horde isn’t allowed to have anything nice or unique and if we do the alliance gets it to an expansion later.

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You must really dislike the Horde if Belves are the only thing you consider “nice or unique” about them. Our entire race catalogue is leagues ahead of the Alliance’s.


Satyrs are all demons and hate humanity/mortals by default. They aren’t ever going to change sides.

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Goblins are just gnomes, worgen are just tauren, undead is just humans, trolls are actually unique, draenei are just orcs, void elves are just blood elves. Alliance gets everything :frowning:

what do you mean - horde has it all

Alliance has everything Horde has if not more since you guys don’t have major lore characters that die in warchief roulette. The alliance has a bunch of powerhouse lore characters and the Horde has just thrall (who i heard recently got his powers back by some random person on the forums).

Alliance: A faction of shiny two shoes who all look or are very human like. For anything else isn’t human / intelligent enough to be with humans thus should be crushed under genocide and racism by the strong hatred of the alliance. (Anduin is changing this but the rest of the alliance are very much racist).

Horde: A faction of unwanted outcasts who banded together to survive and possibly thrive, trying to make their own place in the world these random tribes and nations fight together with honor and strength.

So if you’re into medival white knight tropes the alliance is there for you.
If you’re into actual fantasy and story telling that isn’t a rehash of lord of the rings on repeat throughout fantasy story telling then the horde is there waiting for you.

ogrimar has better walls and protection than stormwind

And they still don’t keep me out XD

Didn’t do us any good did it, with 2 different sieges and stormwind never being attacked except for an angry pissed off lizard that no walls would of prevented.

They are demons
 them being in the alliance shows a lack of knowledge of wow lore 

The satyr serve only the burning legion.
They were changed by Xavius during the war of the ancients.

Stop with the ugly enemy races. I don’t want to play as mobs I’ve been killing for years.

what if u can be a goblin instead

I play almost exclusively Alliance. So I still kill goblins.

Every race in WoW has been a mob we’ve had to kill. Bet we’ve probably killed more humans and orcs than gnolls. lol

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The point is, they are a monster race. I don’t want to play them and don’t want to see more of them in the world. I don’t understand why people ask for the ugliest trash mobs to be playable. Knolls, saytr, murlocs, ogres. WTH

So they are a monster race. Don’t play one then. Everything doesn’t have to appeal to everyone. I’d rather see less elves, but I’m not gonna sit here and trash them just because I don’t care for them. I get that you don’t understand. Not everyone gets what other people get. I’m sure there are plenty who would question playing a human in a game where you have access to all sorts of fantasy races. “Why be something you already are?”, they would say.

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