I don’t like changing a race to “redeem” them, let monsters be monsters.
what if they twist blood elves into angels to fight the satyrs??
I find the lack of Warcraft lore knowledge in this thread disturbing.
no, they would not be a good playable race
for a race to be playable it would need to tick all these checkboxes for me:
- some recognizable leader (who do I look up to? what heroic RPG archetype do they embody?)
- some minor supporting characters (this race has many diverse people! this seems more believable! do the supporting characters make the leader look good in comparison, or point out some of their flaws?)
- multiple in-game settlements (where does my character come from? where do I call home? or did we escape some antagonistic force or escape some calamity and now we are trying to find a new home? what struggles do our people face? what are our hopes and dreams for the future?)
- at least one dungeon where they are featured in some way (let me go on an adventure where my race/backstory is relevant to the story!)
- that special sauce (what is the “personality” of my race? what makes them distinct from the other races? do we have any distinct physical features?
- they can be sort of evil, but they can’t be literally 100% evil and irredeemable! the player needs to feel like a hero. they have to have some loveable quirks or other redeeming qualities to balance out the ‘bad’ qualities. For example, the Forsaken are not entirely the monsters their former kinsman have made them out to be. some quests involve finding thread to help make sure they can keep themselves from completely falling apart by stitching themselves back together. and dealing with loss and abandonment.
so for me, Satyr don’t satisfy #1 or #2.
all the Satyr that could be considered ‘leaders’ or even minor characters, Xavius, etc, are already super dead.
they don’t really have any settlements. they just have mob camps in the world, where you kill them. the only two quests I remember involving Satyrs involved them tricking me into doing something evil. Mauradon is a big plus for Satyr, but again, they are not given any kind of nuance or redeeming qualities. even the dark irons were fleshed out to the extent that one could sympathize with their plight of being enslaved by elementals and treated as outcasts from dwarven society. I would feel a lot more comfortable about Satyr being playable if we encountered friendly Satyr in many of the settlements across Azeroth, in the same way that you could encounter, say, goblins in many settlments across the world before Goblins were made into a playable race. but we just don’t see that. they tend to keep entirely to themselves, they don’t seem willing to co-exist with other races. the prospect of being a mischievous trickster is a good foundation, but they would need to establish themselves in the lore more, with notable characters that use that trait to do good, such as acting as a spy, scout, hunter, etc. case in point, the one Satyr that actually has good intentions, Avrus Illwhisper, we do help in a quest to seek forgiveness and redemption. And at the end of the quest, Elune turns him back into a regular night elf. So that right there shows me that there really isn’t a path for them to be good characters while maintaining their corrupted forms, in the same way that say, the Orcs can be honorable in combat, even though their skin was turned green by dark warlock magics.
As a longtime WHFB beastman player this would legit make me a happy goat.
Santyrs well…
They practice dark magic, which is frowned upon both sides.
. . . I believe the Satyrs are actually demons at this point . . . also 99.99% of satyrs we encounter are hostile (Zen Foulhoof becomes likable later as of Cata and the only true non hostile one was redeemed and turned back into a night elf). So yea we got nothing here.
so WOW deviated from the real Satyrs which were minor gods and made them straight out demonic
Sure I’d play one. Cause I identify as one. No moe bawdey 1 oh bawdey 2 fo’ me! YO! NOW I AM SATYR. OPETTTION #3.
Well Satyrs and Night Elves hate each other, so Ally is out.
but there’s also no real reason they’d be welcomed into the horde and they’re just straight up evil.
I want to understand your process for these forum posts. Are you just looking at different wikipedia entries for fantasy creatures, and copying and pasting the ones you like?
While playing a Satyr would be interesting, it’s highly unlikely they’d be accepted by either faction. They’re known for being deceitful and manipulative, willing to sacrifice anyone or anything to further their goals.
On Alliance, the Night Elves in particular have a very deep hatred of the Satyrs, and Horde just don’t really like demons in general. In addition, while the ability to do so has been weakened over time, Satyrs can spread their ‘curse’ to others which could be a danger to either faction.
Think it’d be hard to justify, unfortunately!
Fallen Legion Faction! Still dreaming of having an Eredar Warlock someday >.>
Actually, Satyrs are bipedal Centaurs… they’re half horse… Fauns are half goat. But yeah the hedonism you actually got right, this is because they serve Bacchus, the Roman version of Dionysus and where Dionysus (Greek, has Fauns) is already a drunken raving party animal, the natural hedonism of Roman culture took his tendencies up to an 11.
If we’re talking WoW Satyrs, Horde is the only option that even remotely makes sense… maybe not even that… (the one remotely positive interaction both factions had with a Satyr Demon was basically just the Satyr doing what was in its best interest)
what if they get their own faction???
Possible I suppose, there are a group among the Illidari, though notably even Satyrs hate other Satyrs.
We aren’t besties, we’re frenemies. We can’t even do instanced content.
but they love nymphs
I think they are from Greek Myths - their leader is named Pan
Satyrs are to Draenei as Elves are to Trolls…so…kind of moot don’t you think?