Would people be interested in paid early access to Classic

lol@leper colony.

that was the point of my compromise heeheeheee

You didn’t pay $50 for a 6 day demo. You paid $50 for BlizzCon stream access which happened to include access to the Classic demo. You also got mounts in WoW, a cardback in Hearthstone, etc.

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delusional thinking.
dream on.

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This isn’t EA

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If you think we won’t be talking about which guild kills which bosses first you are crazy. The bosses may have died in vanilla but they will be world firsts again. Everyone will know which guilds are the most progressed. Plus, some people play for end game content. Just because you don’t get it doesn’t mean its a bad thing to do.

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so i come up with a compromise that settles my own issue with early access, then you come along and remind me that even segregated, early access would still cause issues for others. this is a very valid point that i didn’t think off since world firsts doesn’t apply to me. Early access is really something that should not be included. in fact, that maybe the best reason against it.


 I can’t believe someone could see a different viewpoint on these forums. You may have just increased my faith in humanity a little bit.

lol, in 47 posts i went from #nochange, to ‘oh, i gotz an idea’ to ‘oh yeah, that don’t work for everybody’

Guilds will certainly be more progressed than others; I didn’t infer otherwise. But the prestige you’re seeking is meaningless. The world first Ragnaros kill happened years ago. You may be the first on these new realms to do it, but you’re not the world first. There is absolutely no other valid perspective on this. If you’re talking about anything that happens in Classic as “world first” you are objectively wrong.

Meaningless to you. You speak for yourself and only yourself. It was a thing on pservers so it will transfer to classic.


It doesn’t matter where it happens. It’s still lame and sad

I don’t get to go walk on the moon and say I’m the first person to do it just because me and some other dorks say so.

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Lol well you can be lame and zero fun all you want. Don’t be surprised when people are talking about who killed rag first and how fast. Imagine that
 nerds having fun doing nerd things. Are you even going to play classic or do you just come here to suck the fun out of everything?

It’s apples and oranges. They aren’t making a new moon. In which case people absolutely would talk about being the first to walk on the moon again.


This exactly. That is the definition of pay to win. Unfair advantage to get gear, AH players have it easier to get a stranglehold on items, and a number of other things.


Legion, you had early access to demon hunters.

This isn’t a new moon. It’s the same moon we walked on 15 years ago.

And I’m all for fun. Taking credit for something you didn’t do isn’t fun.

Cool opinion bro. No one is saying people didn’t take 6 months in vanilla to kill rag. But this is new vanilla where we can have new people doing cool things. Sure they were done 15 years ago. That was then. This is now. No one is taking credit for killing rag those years ago. But now we all start over. The race begins again. We strive for server/world firsts again.

Being honest, I know I’d pay for early access. That said, I won’t be rushing to level 60. I’ll be smelling every rose
mageroyal I find dammit. I’d just be so glad to get back, I know I’d pay.

now its server first, not world first

if we get tons of servers again, then that goal will be pretty meh i agree. if we get mega servers you can bet there will be a lot of people that care

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Come launch day and everyone is paying $15 sub for access to Classic. Are we all whales to the people that start a month later?

The people starting a month late had the option to start on launch day but they chose to wait. How is that any different than early access, if it’s available to everyone.

IMO, if there is room for early access there is room for earlier launch.

I already acknowledged that server firsts will be a thing and that’s totally cool; that absolutely matters and that’s a totally valid thing to claim. If you claim your Rag kill as world first, however, you are 100% ignoring that other people actually got the world first 15 years ago. Case closed.

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