Would Classic or SoD be more friendly for a casual player wanting to eventually grab some gear in Naxx-40?

Once upon a time, I was a pretty hardcore raider. Back in Wrath, I was in one of the top raiding guilds in the world, one of the highest parsed DK’s in the world, and regular contributor to Elitist-Jerks…

Now, I’m just a filthy casual.

In all seriousness though, I’ve become way more casual over the years. Like a lot of folks, it’s just harder to find time to play consistently, and since my last guild fell apart a few years ago, I just never had the motivation to try and find a new guild. Frankly, I found that if you’re not playing at the upper-end of DPS meters, most people I’ve met tend to be pretty toxic.

Now, I haven’t really spent much time with the game in the past few years. I remain unconvinced about the new expansion (fingers crossed it’s great, but nothing I’ve seen really appeals to me). I’ve kinda felt this urge to play Classic again (I usually fall off in interest around Westfall or Redridge), but since I don’t have any friends that play anymore, I’m looking to be totally solo.

It’d probably take me a while just to hit lvl 60 either way, but I’m really not looking to have to get super invested in playing the AH game again. I’ve heard people say that Classic is dominated by GDKP runs, which doesn’t sound super appealing as someone who literally doesn’t have any gold currently, but then maybe that’s just blown a little out of proportion?

Now don’t get me wrong; I don’t consider myself a lazy player. I really enjoy seeing my DPS and trying to constantly improve. I just know that my schedule is going to be very inconsistent (until I have stable work again), and I’m probably not going to be out there farming rep or spending countless hours farming crafting mats. I don’t remember how bad Vanilla was for burning through potions, but I seem to remember it being kind of a full-time job to keep up with – which I was happy to do back in college, but these days, not quite so much.

For reference, I’m looking to either play a Warrior or a Paladin. I’ve just always loved 2hand Plate characters; that’s my jam.

My end goal would be to eventually get my hands on the Corrupted Ashbringer. I was never able to join a hardcore raiding guild back in Vanilla, and couldn’t convince anyone to run it in TBC either (it was still pretty difficult as I recall), so it was always just kind of a personal dream to attain it.

Also, not super set on a server yet if there are any recommendations? And any advice between Warrior or Paladin if I’m wanting to go the DPS route? Pros and Cons?

Era you can savor the journey and spend a few years to get there. Enjoying leveling, and each gear level, before finally stepping into naxx and completing your toon.

SoD you will probably have to rush because who knows if it will be around in a year or two - and it will likely be more like “naxx 20 man savior mode levels 1-5” or something else that is not really related to vanilla naxx.

If you want to dps in pve, roll a warrior.

If you want to heal in pve, but have tons of gold from healing gdkps that you can easily get corrupted ashbringer and all the ret gear you want, roll paladin.

If your goal is the sword and to pvp / just RP around with it - either class can get there. But do not roll paladin if you want to dps in pve. (for context on the price of sword I’ve usually seen it go for around 1 to 5 naxx runs worth of payouts - depending on how many people wanted it)

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Everything you said in your post makes me think you’d really resonate with us in Legacy on the Grobbulus server. It’s a very solo leveling experience (we’re the only guild on the alliance, one guild per faction) but we raid Naxx and all other content in the game in a very casual / communal / fun / still get stuff done kind of way. This would be on Classic Era which I’d recommend over SoD for what you’re looking for regardless!


Era if you just wanna play

Sod if you like comedy

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SoD is temporary and very hardcore with most people. Very hard to get into current tier raids specially with the molten core difficulty levels and elitists around it.

Era you got a couple options.

Grobb for a long standing small scale server

Mankrik cluster for pure PVE and progression guilds

Whitemane if you got deep pockets and are willing to buy gold to GDKP then just PvP forever or speedrun naxx to beat world record times

Or be like me these days who has grown tired of the drama and grinds or cesspool of GDKP/elitism: Deviate Delight.

As for your class choice and pref spec/weapons… I played a lot of paly in naxx and honestly unless you get into naxx quickly you’ll be burnt out constantly doing AQ40 because there is hardly any gear for you anyway there until the last couple bosses and the energy drain of just doing prog or failed runs when guilds hit emps…

Warrior would probably be the way to go, go at your own pace and get everything like blacksmithing and mining up as you go then you’ll kit yourself out nicely. Depending on the realm I’d say warrior is the best option.

If you played whitemane you’d have to be paladin to be apart of carry runs as main heals to earn gold. It’s “easy” to gear a paly vs a warrior which 90% of whitemane would be competition for you because of the rogues/wars there already.

Come give DD a try, I’m around on alliance always recruiting for The Scarlet Crusade <3

Like the OP, I’m also pretty casual and don’t have much time to play. When I do, I am looking for a long term place to level and make friends. It looked like DD was Poppin a while ago, but is it still?

Otherwise, I have a warrior on Mankrik that I could keep rolling with. I just hardly see anyone in the leveling zones…just feels kinda lonely. So, would you say DD or press with Mankrik?

DD is opposite of mankrik in lvling

In other words, much better?

Yes far better. The lower and mid tier dungeons like Uldaman and RFD pop off and there is a bit of PvP around most mid tier zones as well.

The only thing you’ll find short of on DD is the raiding right now but eventually with time it’ll flip to the issues mankrik has within a few more months. Most people are still gradually leveling.

None are casual friendly, era is by far worse than sod though in this regard. Just go straight sod, Wild growth or Lone wolf/Living flame.

You will have the same 4 era posters saying how incredible it is to swipe your credit card to buy gear in GDKPS and pay boosts to level up from 10-60 which is pretty much all the trade chat in era is about.

And you think SoD isnt the same? Just because you dont see it in chat doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

In DD mage boosters dont advertise in LFG in fear of the backlash or spam reports from the community project discord so they sit in the dungeon entrances and advertise at the door and select whisper people with offers. Some of them branch off and give you discount codes on gold sites for buying gold too.

It’s also not really the same 4 posters talking about ERA. SoD is temporary and that is a fact. There is also no fun to be had in it with the heat level elitism in MC and Archon addon running rampant. So getting into pugs is a nightmare and guilds expect the absolute best of you. Or if you buy gold you get in runs no problem and pay the LM.

SOD - Show me your logs.

ERA - Wanna play wow bro?

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