Would Blood Elves be better if they embraced Fel?

Would the story surrounding Blood Elves be better off if they embraced demonic magic?

I for one would love to see a culture of Azeroth embracing and thriving in a warlock based society. Demons could be seen walking in public as if they were just another citizen. When ever there would be danger to Silvermoon a legion of demons with a Sin’dorei flair would pour out into the Dead Scar. Blood Elf Demonhunters would act as peacekeepers.

To keep their land from becoming a complete wasteland their green crystals would draw upon excess fel magic radiating from spells and demons.

With all of this the Alliance would have good reason to send agents and night elf incursions to investigate this. They would not be forced to act out of character so that the Horde may have another race to join them.

I personally think that these kind of elves would fit in the Horde opposed to what we have now.

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Almost certainly.

Keeping the blood elves as magic sucking vampires that no one else wants anything to do with would have allowed them to play up the “noble savage” thing the rest of the Horde, minus the forsaken, goblins and the other elves, have going.


I most certainly think keeping the old Blood Elf theme would have added more interesting paths to go on rather than the High Elf theme we went back on.


I think they should have, TBH. Maybe even have the naaru they were siphoning the light from become all emo and “give” the light, because it liked the pain.

Mmmmm… sado-masochistic naaru…

Fan-fic THAT!


Some people would like them better. Others would not.

As a player of a Blood Elf mage, I’d prefer for them to embrace the arcane and be the magical powerhouse of the Horde that they were kind of promised to be. But Blizzard didn’t make that happen, so they introduced Nightborne to be the magical powerhouse … which also isn’t happening, as of the Stormwind Extraction. I expect another magical powerhouse race to be introduced two expansions from now.

It’s kind of like how they keep adding races to the Alliance that are supposed to be “the dark and edgy one,” but they get softened almost immediately.


You mean even further than they already did in the old days before Kal’thas went all nutty?
Yeah that would have been interesting to see, but I think demon hunters are a good symbol of those days, when the Sin’dorei depended on chaos instead of order, when they became intertwined with the idea of Outland.

I think it’s not too late, to start something new for the Sin’dorei. A lot of Blood Elven themes are just slightly tweaked High Elven theme currently, but I think some interesting stuff can come out of embracing the Sunwell alongside the old themes of fel. Not as counter balances, but as representations of Quel’Thalas and in turn the Sin’dorei, there’s the High home with a dark scar running through it.

Reigniting the Sunwell was a huge mistake. We regressed back into something that we were and didn’t evolve on the path that we were on.


That would be pretty cool.

But it would just serve as an excuse for Lor’themar to be lolcorrupted so we could have Siege of Silvermoon.


I think a big part of Blood Elf contributions to the Horde would be to deal with tainted and corruptive magics to seal away. Their deal in my hypothetical situation would be to be the masters of demonic magic and power. The difference would be controlling the magic and not letting the magic control you.

Oh and in my scenario it would be Kael’thas and not Lor’themar :slight_smile:

Well, given their previous distinctive characteristics of “nature rangers” and “arcane masters” and their new theme of “the holy guys” are dominated by other elves and humans. Being the “fel faction” would make them unique.

The worry is that the edgy coolness of fel demonology may not rub off on the Blood Elves as much as over exposure and living in harmony may defang the demons as a potential threat. But I suppose even that concern is passed now that the Sargeras cloud has been hoovered up.

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They probably would have been better off, but that ship has sailed at this point.

I am sure they will keep this in mind if they continue to push forward with their current plans to make the Horde the full evil faction. Having a heavier Fel emphasis will make it easier for Blizz to include Blood Elves in villainbatting, and all that would remain is some contrivance by which they drag the Tauren into it.

I guess they’d need to work a little on Paladins. Maybe re-emphasize the “Blood Knight” thematics and such.


They’re still a petty, vengeful, pragmatic, self-serving faction. It’s also weird that people want the elves to be darker, but complain about every other race being evil lately.

I don’t know if Fel is neccesarily the best for them, but the sunwell solving their mana problem takes away a possible motivation for them to act, so it makes them a little less interesting that way.

I mean, it could’ve been reclaiming their homeland, but Blizzard said “Ha, you actually think we’re gonna update BC areas”.

That would’ve been a much more interesting development, IMO. Certainly better than the Golden Eyes and Light-infused Sunwell.


I don’t think this is about being darker but being different and maybe in my opinion more interesting.

If they did that again I feel like Void Elves would be like “what the hell guys?” and they would have a point. A society that frowns on consorting with the void turns to fel? That’s a bit on the hypocritical and just as dangerous side.

Unfortunately, we’re well past the point where the Blood Elves could have pursued a story as the Masters of Fel Magic. Personally I always liked that about them in WC3:TFT, the idea that where other races succumbed to corruption and served the Legion, the Blood Elves’ innate magical skill and aptitude allowed them to master a power others believed could not be mastered, but would always master someone else in turn.

Seems the Void Elves have more or less taken that path now, except instead of Fel, its the Void.

I don’t think changing the Blood Elves into a Fel Society now will work so well. For a lot of Horde players, the Blood Elves are one of the few races you can play while feeling, ‘Heroic,’ and not as a result of the Alliance.

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Well the Void Elves were a mistake to be Blood Elves in the first place. They should have been Alliance aligned High Elves.

However this post is more of a recreation of Blood Elf history or how I would “retcon” it.