Would Blood Elves be better if they embraced Fel?

As a retcon or a, “What could have happened,” absolutely, I would have loved seeing the Blood Elves embracing Fel as their future, enslaving and binding armies of demons to fight for them, preserving their own lives, using expendable demons to sew discord and chaos amongst those who dare to call them their enemies.

That would have been awesome.

Considering how often the Illidari were shown to join up with the Legion and how often elves get corrupted/go mad with power and need to be put down, I’d rather deal with the human-lite themes.

It probably would have put them on the fast track to being shamed for being as evil as Sylvanas and brought down with her since they wouldn’t have any excuse for disliking what she’s doing in BfA.

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One of the points of embracing this is to not be “human-lite”.

Interesting, the Void Elves are more or less doing what the OP has been discussing, and they’re not really considered, “Evil,” by most. Honestly I think the Void Elves come closer to, ‘Morally Grey,’ than anything else. They have very terrible power at their disposal, but rather using it to commit mass-scale atrocities, they use it in pinpoint precision assaults, removing equipment and key individuals, as well as to move forces around swiftly.

So in the end, it’s not so much the power that makes one evil, as how it is used and to what effect.

Fel clashes with Arcane! Seriously! Don’t you girls know anything about the magic! Calgon take me away! To Dalaran of coarse!


It would’ve been better if they received nondescript magic from the Sunwell akin to how night elves do moonwells / Elune / druidism / world trees.

Blood Elves could keep Muru for their Blood Knights, but otherwise revere the sunwell and high elven traditions. That’d be cool.

Demons are just as bad as the light is.

I’m not exactly sure what bad means when you are comparing them to the light. But in a society where demons are allowed to exist there is potential to explore demon culture from a perspective of no conflict.

The point of this was to make the Blood Elf story more interesting. The Sunwell is just a regurgitated part of elf history that will only lead to stagnation.

The Sunwell hasn’t been explored. Why did it become so grossly different than the various Moonwells? Why is it more powerful than the average moonwell? You have a chance to explore why elves are powerful, and make it be about them, as opposed to being Sargeras’s pet elves.

Demons are generic edge.

I dunno. If void elves had been on the horde, I feel like the game would have been more than happy to play up the horror of the stuff they do in-game. Condemning people’s souls into a hell dimension, defiling the dead specifically to attack another race’s religion, murdering civilians while trying to hunt down an enemy faction leader. And we probably would have seen at least one void elf go “feral” from insanity and need to be put down, as a visual warning to what kind of people they are.

It seems like it’s only not evil because alliance do it, and the horde started it.


Yes, but they’re in the Alliance. You can dabble in horrible, dangerous magic on the Alliance side and not be condemned for it.


I’ve given my own views, which is, the Void Elves are specifically pulling their punches and using their dark magic with restraint. Rather than sending an entire orphanage with puppies and kittens into the Void and then using the Void-Corrupted former inhabitants as meat shields in the War, they’re removing equipment and only key individuals. Rather than using the Void to corrupt an army of Blood Trolls to fight for them against the Zandalari, they’ll try to wage conflict to break Zandalari moral and stop them from wanting to fight, thus preventing casualties on both sides.

Granted with the Horde narrative, I’m sure if the Void Elves HAD been Horde we would’ve seen the aforementioned Void-Orphans running and screaming in Old God at Alliance forces.

Not exactly sure what is so desirable about exploring what makes the Sunwell unique over the potential of exploring many different cosmic entities’ cultures and the potential to have cosmic capabilities to face off against other worldly threats.

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I think this post explains why Void Elves are not being considered evil and they get to do nasty cool stuffs while in Alliance.

But yeah, I think Blood Elves with full Fel theme would be different than current Void Elves and Blizz would paint Belves as cartoonishly evil while in the Horde.

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Greetings, cousin. Might I interest you in learning about our Lady and Savior, Alleria, and the Void? I think you would find it quite the meaningful compliment to your life.

Offers a black pamphlet with glowing purple letters.

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There’s also the fact that killing NE in the War of the Thorns was you invading someone’s land and killing them

Whereas Malfurion in Terror of Darkshore is someone reclaiming his home from invaders

I seriously love my void elf, but as a race I seriously hate them. They just leave a bad taste in my mouth. I can safely say what every has said about the void elves questionable deeds being whitewashed, while potentially if we had fel elves would be batting 1000 in the villains league. Although, I will say those fel elves in the sun well plateau were stinking awesome looking, even demonic they are beautiful

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