Would be nice to not have anxiety tbh

I have a ton of anxiety.

In many circumstances I do ok. In others though, ugh.

It’s one of the reasons I dislike group content. Not the only reason though and not the most important… But yeah it’s there.

If I can just go in and do my thing and do it well, follow the tank etc. I’m good. If I have to interact with others, um, no. I don’t mind following instructions, but don’t expect me to get involved verbally. At all. lol

Mostly I don’t have dedicate time so the above is usually moot anyway, but I do have problems sometimes interacting with others.

Good days and bad days.

(I don’t even own a mic.) There is a reason for that… lol

I did try once during Legion to join a group for a dungeon, people were fairly nice, not totally but not too bad. But ugh, all I heard was everyone talking, no idea what they were saying it was all garbled together, very noisy. I ended up turning off my sound.

Also ended up leaving as I just couldn’t deal with them insisting I say something. Well, that’s a bit difficult. :stuck_out_tongue: And I’ve nothing to say that is pertinent to the dungeon content. I just wanted a chance at the reward, I can DPS very well thank
you, as in I’m top in the numbers… Ah, nevermind, bye.

Honestly I don’t need the high blood pressure from anxiety playing a game to get away from real life and it’s anxiety…

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Social anxiety sucks. The discord has been my worst enemy, even in guilds I was comfortable in. I was a stay at home mom for almost half my life and then I had to go back to work. It was terrifying and 3 years later I still sweat badly when I have to talk to people and can barely get the words out that I need to sometimes. There are nights I can’t sleep because of dumb reasons, like knowing I have to ask somebody to help me with an issue I had on the computer the day before. I feel like some people think I’m just really stupid or something but I am just very anxious. Lol

It’s nice to talk about.


Meh Edgyjojo doesn’t do that often enough for me to think “Yup this is fake”

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Why does people with anxiety always ends up with the most forum post count?

because i like to talk to people. But i can do that only via text. So it builds up quite fast

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True, and I never suspected edgy jo of having this issue.

For what it’s worth i dealt with this for years. Pugged since 2009. I started doing rated BGs this season, and now I have like 40 people on btag, regularly chat in Discords and join voice chats just to talk while I play even if we aren’t grouped.

I guess I just realized my gaming experience is poor without networking. I still don’t talk much unless I’m in a match calling something out, namely because I’m 34 with a deep voice and I feel out of place when everyone sounds younger than I do. But I’m working on it. Lol

It’s not. If you’re willing to try to put in some effort, it’s not.

I don’t like to put in too much real life stuff here but the amount of change that can occur in even just a year can be amazing.


Well that and I always stumble over my words when I speak out loud. Text you can at least take a second to think about in case your brain and mouth don’t work the same speed lol

A portion of healthy anger can help with this a bit. Like, think about - by succumbing to your anxiety, you’re actually just sacrificing your desires and well being for some randoms online. Imagine the little you somewhere inside that you are sacrificing for the convenience of some nobodies. Serve and protect your self, not them.

I find that such train of thought can rile me up to become angry about the anxiety and empower me to act in spite of it.

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get some therapy and figure it out?

then why an MMO?

If you can raid and join guilds, it’s not that bad, believe me.

why not, i’m fine as long as there’s no voice chat involved. I like having players around doing stuff, feels alive.

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I find arena, even skirmishes, to be very stressful.

Is your anxiety something Blizzard is responsible for?

Gamers with social anxiety is just a thing. Where do people turn to when they have social anxiety IRL? They turn inwards, stay at home and jump on their computer.

Now has never been easier to access online therapy, as many clinical psychologists have moved to zoom because of covid. I don’t mean the online guy who discusses mental health issues with twitch celebrities to entertain and educate, but I mean a real therapist who is just seeing you.

Medication is not a reasonable first step. But therapy is. So go to your GP and talk about a referral to a clinical psychologist, or jump on your country’s psychology association website and find someone.

or i can do nothing and live like i used to live sometimes complaining about it on the internet. Much easier solution.

While it might not be a solution people with anxiety want, it is worth remembering something positive.

That positive thing is that WoW is great because it presents opportunities in which people who suffer anxiety can aim to confront them or become comfortable with whatever it is causing them the anxiety at their own pace.

If someone has anxiety about M+, for example, they can occasionally (and at their own pace) join M+ groups and try to become more comfortable. When / if it becomes too much, they can walk away and back off once again, and allow themselves to recharge.

So to the OP, and other people suffering anxiety, just remember that. It can help. It’s how I got over my anxiety of making phone calls.

Think of it like this, nobody honestly cares if you exist in this world or not…so why waste energy having emotions towards their insults.