Would be nice to not have anxiety tbh

That’s short term thinking. The harder decision pays off more in the long run.

I had to mentally get my butt whupped to knock some of my more toxic borderline personality disorder traits out of my head. It sucked and I was angry a LOT for awhile but then my brain started figuring out ways to help instead of lash out.

It’s not completely cured. But hey at least I’m not threatening people with suicide anymore to try and get what I want. Among other things I’m not gonna share

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Its no different than any other part of your life when dealing with the public.

rest of my life is as miserable, yes

have you tried blessing of freedom?

Go read

Stop over thinking

Even if everyone is out to get you, everyone is out to get everyone

since we are all physical objects which exist on the same plane

its reasonable to assume you’d have some “anxiety”
if you were completely immaterial

you would not care… as much

wow. anxiety is cured forever. why didn’t i think of that

I didnt say you’d be cured.

I just said, stop over thinking, real anxiety is when your body has death feelings even when you don’t over think, but over thinking compounds the problem.

just do breathing exercises or something

It highly depends on what triggered the anxiety. Breathing exercises might help slow your heart but it gets complicated if you can’t get away from what is causing your brain to panic

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life-coaching doesn’t work. If it worked - coaches would go out of business after first session. Just do it and stuff

It’s like when people go “Just dont be sad!” when you talk about depression.

Yeab. It is a position of pure ignorance.

And that is not a bad thing. If u could have my way nobody in the world would feel what I felt, would be ever so ignorant of the feeling.

I am doing better now. I still battle depression. It hits me out of nowhere. A memory and van I’m done. Somethi g rhst makes me think of my kids and wife(soon to be ex) and all productivity is lost.

However, before any of this I was wholly ignorant of what it is.of how it absolutely can shut you down cold.

What’s worse, you are trapped. Trapped in your own head screaming at yourself to stop. That it is ok. That scream though is ignored by your conscious self and you are but a passenger along for a ride that you have exactly zero control over.

So now, I try to remove myself from any situation I dk t understand. It is no longer suck it up. It is I wonder what that could be like how can I support them.

I hope that makes sense.

Even if IT IS attention seeking, I see an outpouring of people sharing their anxieties. Their issues.

Hell, mine was as dark as they come and it helps me to share, to let people know they are not alone.


You need therapy, not the wow forums

When I worked in mh and chem dependency for years, bpd was not uncommon. Never heard anyone say they didn’t care for the people affected.

If not a troll post, best advice I can give as someone who had panic attacks in college to the point it felt my heart was going to stop or go out of rhythm…get help from a professional. Do what you gotta. It can get better , I swear. Do I still occasionally have them? Yes, but very rarely and only with very heavy life circumstance provocation. Ymmv.
Mental health professionals deal with this ALL the time, it’s their specialty. Worth a shot imo. Not much living if it is as bad as you stated. Not for the game, for you in general. LIfe is short, never have another day guaranteed. Now things just roll off my back while I have a good laugh for the most part. It’s definitely doable.
Example, there is a guy in our guild who absolutely won’t pug. But if a few guildies help him, he’s fine to be on voice etc… he knows we are gonna respect him no matter how bad he screws up…if he even does.
As far as insults, these are random people, often projecting onto others…have a giggle and no worries.

This can help.

Too many don’t understand this, but it can improve!

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Works well enough for me

I’ve basically made a guild with nothing but my alts for Alliance and Horde because of how bad my anxiety is. It used to be alot worse but since starting my job I’ve gotten a better hold on it. For some reason it doesn’t translate as well online.

Whenever I try joining any group the moment someone even posts something in my direction I lose it and either leave group or log. What is worse is when I try to join friend groups only for one person to get rude with me the moment I join and be told they were just playing/that’s how they act. I don’t care, you come at me from 0-100 like that I’m having a panic attack ._.

It’s not like I don’t try either. One lesson I’ve learned over the years is no one cares about you, they just want to use you. It’s almost impossible to find genuine people nowadays.

I feel you, man. Dealing here too. It’s why i dont join a real guild. The times i tried, I quit because i felt pressure (none from them) and anxiety about it. So i just LF*. I don’t even bother with M+ for that reason

There is the problem with anxiety.

So many begin to drink the toxic kool aid. " I’m just sick ", " everything is hopeless " , " My anxiety won’t let me ", etc. etc. etc.

I suffered for years and still do, but I got off my butt and forced myself to get to work, be there for my kids, avoid saying anything to spread those toxic ideas and push on with life. Yes, it is hard almost everyday. I may never be the same, but I can still be a useful member of society. And… that also happens to be some of the best therapy to deal with anxiety. Stay busy, work hard, work out, take up active hobbies. Mind and body are connected, if you sit at a computer getting fatter, most likely your mood will follow that same downward decent into a unhealthy state.


doesnt sound fun, i’d rather not be member of society

Are you having fun now? Don’t sound like it. Better off to try something then stuck with the no point attitude.