Would be nice to not have anxiety tbh

I’m the same way! I hate voice chat.

You’re not alone op :purple_heart: i also have anxiety and it prevents me from playing with pugs, so the amount of partners i can play with is very limited

Irl i’m fine, ingame is a different story and i don’t get it


Feyrre, every time I see you post, you have a different hairstyle.


Well then you need to stop being a victim to stereotypes.

Shrinks help people get better, they are doctors, you stood up in a public forum and told everyone you have anxiety, so are you now telling me admitting this to a professional is where you draw the line?

Stop the nonsense Edgy, your regular Doctor can also help you, all I know is that you must be hurting to post a thread about it, so how about standing up and helping yourself FEEL BETTER!

Anxiety sucks dude, you don’t have to suffer like this.


That’s not how it works though bro. You can’t just say “Don’t worry about it” and then it stops being a problem. It doesn’t work. You can know as clear as day there’s nothing to fear, read up on all sorts of facts about how there’s nothing to worry about, get reassurances from others etc, but it doesn’t matter because that animal part of your brain that wants to keep you alive doesn’t understand any of that, it simply understand the precursors to a fear response and tries to shut you down from going into a situation that might have triggered it.

The only real solution outside of melting parts of your brain with chemicals is to simply expose yourself to the stimulus enough times that your defense mechanism realizes that the situation is “safe” and it doesn’t need to protect you.

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nah, too much work


I recommend it. You’re not weak for seeing one like some people think.


sometimes its not the “feeling weak” part that stops ppl ; it’s the thought that nobody really likes their job and everyone does it for the money and cant wait to be sipping vino at home free from work :wink:

i cant help but think shrinks care more about being done with the day then they do about their patients -.-

gotta find the superhuman ala patch adams and that just doesnt sound likely heh

Of course there’s no way to know why it is for any person specifically, but logically the reason might be that IRL there’s standards for interaction that most people adhere to reasonably well whereas in-game there’s no guarantee that any random player will be adhere to any kind of standard — you can very easily end up having to deal with an adult who acts like the stereotypical Xbox Live 14 year old.

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Yeah, anxiety sucks. And it’s not a small thing. Good news is: there’s a lot of ways to cope with it. I’ve seen therapists. I’ve got my prescribed medication.

Everyone is different, but I have personally found that it’s easier to play with pugs rather than in-game friends or guilds. That’s because you remove a large degree of the expectations you might face when playing solo. You structure your game time around how you feel and not on other people’s schedules. It can be very challenging to achieve much in the game, but you can still find ways to apply yourself.

I’ve had bad psychologists. It makes me appreciate my current one.

Granted not many shrinks wanna deal with BPD patients


I’m too indecisive :joy:


A year and a half ago, i would have told you to suck it up.

I would have been wrong.

I just didn’t know it at the time. Then the depression hit. A depression so deep due to my personal life being in a total shambles, so deep I almost lost my job, and so unbelievably deep I was minutes away from the end. A vision of my children literally saved me.

I still suffer from the depression, but I fight it each and every day. All I can say is try to do what you can. Never settle for being just content with the situation. When you get comfortable push the line a little more socially.

Some will not understand what I am saying here. It is not their fault. Like I said, a year and a half ago, I would have not understood what I was saying.

Just do you and remember, it is always a work in progress my friend.

I am older than that. I promise you, it is never too late to try.


I feel ya. Unfortunately general anxiety disorders are not curable just manageable with diet and medications. I’ve been battling panic attacks since I was 21 years old I had my roommate rush me to the hospital, I thought I was dying lol. 18 years later I only get them if I quit taking my meds for a prolonged time.
One thing I’ve noticed is ppl who don’t have anxiety disorder can’t under stand how debilitating it can really be. Took my wife years to finally empathize with what I was going through.
My advice to anyone suffering is to see a Dr. . Medications really do help with the chemical embalance and the thoughts of nothing ever positive again going to happen in your life. Don’t live in the mental prison it’s a dark dank place to be. It seems hopless. But with treatment you can live a non depressed life free of random “flight or fight” triggers and sweaty palms.


I’m the same.
No anxiety IRL
But playing games solo for so long, I can’t get past that wall of comfort to go onto discord and talk or w.e

That is why Isaid '‘me’ is ruining my experience of this game.

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It can be difficult for people to understand what they don’t feel themselves.

My Mom didn’t really understand. She always thought I was just lazy. Then her mood dipped temporarily due to medical reasons. She didn’t want to do anything. Thankfully her situation has been remedied. But I noticed she doesn’t pull the “you’re just lazy” card anymore.


lol how does that work?

i could see it working if you actually got shame around it, but not otherwise heh

Trolling for attention on the forums might be one method for overcoming that anxiety.

To anyone else posting in response to this I’m sorry, but you can’t possibly think this post is anything besides attention seeking.

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If you have access to therapy, it can really help. No shame in it. Something like 25% of the population experiences poor mental health at some point.

As a MH first aider, my advice would be that recovery should be the aim of any treatment - whilst recovery looks different to everyone, it’s never too late to start, and it is never impossible to attain.

It’s a really bad idea giving advice like that on the forums - you have no idea why another person is anxious.