Would be nice to not have anxiety tbh

I miss the days when people actually talked in guild chat.

Now I join a guild with 30+ people online and no one says anything for hours, only to find they’re partying in Discord. I hate Discord.


You have to put yourself in the situation enough times and not have anything negative happen and that defense mechanism will fade away. You can’t just “reason it away” but if you put yourself in a situation and nothing happens enough times the panic response will go away.

It is hard though. Some people just don’t want to feel anything negative in their life ever so they’ll shut themselves off and never try to get better, which is a problem because there is no apparent survival need at this point in first world society. Humans are inherently social creatures though and while people pretend they can get by and survive flying solo and their lifestyle is self-reinforcing, it isn’t really healthy.

… why?

Discord is a better community hub than a WoW chat channel.

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Guilty. The pandemic amplified my agoraphobia so I rarely leave the apartment. But I still try the best I can to not completely just go numb to avoid any kind of trigger response.

I noticed if Mom needs help outside with getting something from the car, I don’t have quite as much of a panicked feeling since my brain is distracted with “be a good helpful son with groceries”

The bad panic attacks I break out the sketch pad and draw it out. Focusing on details helps if I’m feeling shakey.


Because I prefer everything to be in game. Guild chat was great for years. I dont want a seperate program to talk to people in WoW.

Hopefully Microsoft buys it and merges it with Microsoft Teams.

I don’t have any trouble just hanging out in voice chat or whatever, and I’m also fine with “challenging” content that I can solo (like visions). The intersection of those two is what sucks. Even IRL there’s nothing I hate more than the idea that I’m standing in somebody’s way or being a burden and the easiest way to deal with that is to preclude it as a possibility altogether by not doing group content that I’m not 500% confident that I can fulfill my role in.


… but why male models?

Seriously though, you can’t run another application on your computer? I don’t understand this. Like, this argument against Discord just logically seems incomplete. You’re paranoid of sharing data, you don’t want to get too close to a bunch of “internet strangers”, something, but “don’t want to run Discord on your computer” by itself doesn’t seem like an actual reason.

And no, g chat was not “great for years”. People have been using ventrilo for almost two decades at this point.

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I’m with ya. Anxiety of people acting badly in this game drove me away from regular tanking and regular healing.

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physically it feels like you try to talk underwater, you open mouth but theres no sound, you lose breath and start choking. Not very fun

this really has nothing to do with how people act, i’m fine with any kind of toxicity.


At least now we’re at the point in the season where almost all M+15 pugs don’t use discord, you might try that if you’re interested. At least Alliance-side I haven’t seen any key below a 20 with discord recently.

youre fine relax.

raids: too many ppl talk. someone silent that listens carefully and acts accordingly is a blessing.

m+: no need to talk at all, especially this far in.

arena: this is where it sucks… but worst case scenario ; you’ll be fine just announcing critical things.

“stunning x”
“i’m stunned”
“ccing x”
“im cced”
“bursting x”

and if you are lucky enough to play with the same partners eventually you get the jist of the other person’s playstyle and can start not communicating at all :wink:

*anyways good luck working on it but it’s really not a big deal if anything.

I kind of agree with that. An active gchat is nice and discord isn’t always convenient for me.

Have you tried medication?

It works for me.

that’s not true my friend. 29 is young.


I actually create social anxiety in those around me … like id fire anyone randomly!!!

i tried alcohol, didnt help

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Sucks, but sounds like a condition to work on for many reasons beyond WoW.

WoW is insignificant compared to RL disorders/issues.

That’s not medication silly. Go see your Doctor, tell him you are suffering with crippling anxiety and see what they say.

I’m not kidding dude, getting on Xanax can change your world my friend.


never visited shrink in my life

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in my mind thats not a good drug but it might be because those ive seen taking it didnt need it :wink:

All kinds of drugs can be abused. It can help some people, and even with the side effects, it can still be a big step up from having a bad anxiety.

However, you should try non-medication options first, as a lot of anxieties can be controlled and improved without medication. But anti-anxiety medication is also an option.