Would a trust system work in WoW? (solo dungeons/raids)

Remember on Broken Shore how he fell over exhausted after a casting a few melees spells? I’m exhausted I can’t go on lol. And he let Voljin get stabbed. Pretty sure I don’t want Baine as a helper :rofl:

We have spent expansions getting a ton of NPC followers for our Mission tables. They COULD just come help us in Dungeons and such.

Now that I think about it, that could be a lot of fun. It would require quite the investment though to make them actually feel like they have some sort of unique personality or abilities.

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OMGWTFBBQ!! Spring for the flingin’ flangin’ 100% riding speed Thrall. I can walk backwards faster than your horse.


While maybe this would be a case for like outside content or something like that for mission table followers, I would prefer any help in dunegons come from characters that actually have something to do with that zone/story. For instance in Revendreth characters like The accuser/Theotar/etc. help us.

I’m guessing it will be a thing eventually anyways. Where you can have npc’s do stuff with you in game such as group content. I would prefer it tbh. Would much rather group with some npc’s, than 95% of this player base lol.

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Not for raids, I could see it for non mythic+ 5 man instances. But considering how poorly AI actually works (I mean just watch pets in dungeons) I can’t imagine it working well. They couldn’t do mechanics correctly and unless you can give them orders, imagine AI pulling packs for you :slight_smile:

so, yea. this. wow AI isn’t up to snuff.

I just did a trust instance in FF and I have to admit it was pretty nice. the NPC’s were very clear in thier movment, I could copy them to see what I had to do for the bosses (I had never done the dungeon, one of hte level 80 ones). The whole thing was a slog, and I think I personally would prefer actual players going forward, but I wanted to see what it was all about.

but, also, WoW dungeon mechanics aren’t as methodical or clearly telegraphed (what to move out of, what to stand in, etc)

and, you know if they were to implement a trust like system for queuable content, it wouldn’t be long before people started crying for trusts for higher difficulties.


Hahaha. Just like the Nexxus dungeon in wrath. If a class that uses a pet doesn’t dismiss before jumping off the platforms in that dungeon, the pets will pull every trash mob to the group lol.

Well there is a reason they basically made pets immune to pretty much every mechanic they could encounter :slight_smile:

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I read the first few replies and was surprised to not see anything about how the game is not social, we need more forced socializing by making the content too difficult to complete by yourself, etc.

Those folks may be correct, but that ship seems to have sailed.

This might actually be a good way for people to experience the dungeons and raids at their own pace, and could bring some people back to the game. If it works in FF14 why wouldn’t it work here?

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You are mistaken. They can only discuss. They have no actual influence on developers.

Everything has already been said. Everything has been discussed endlessly. It is safe to assume that we have the system they want, where you’re required to solo everything except the things you’re required to do in the right sort of group with the right sort of players.

Devs know what players think. They built the game the way it is because they wanted it like this.


Ever heard of Dragon Kill Points, or DKP for short? yeah look how long that lasted, you gave ONE PERSON the job of basically tallying everyones points in the raid, whether it would be for attendance, killing a boss, whatever. And you spend them for gear that drops. Well, your entrusting that one person who probably has friends in that guild who needs gear, so you start “forging the books” as it were, yeah no trust then, no trust now.

It would be funny if the bots could vote kick you because you are doing poor DPS or screwing up in some way :stuck_out_tongue:

I use the trust system in FF to learn boss mechanics before I join the duty finder, that way I don’t embarrass myself during the dungeon lol. I’m not actually sure the blizz dev team could pull it off honestly, the AI in the trust system is truly amazing and impressive.

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I suggested this idea many years ago, no one listened to me.

I keep making suggestions and have a lot of ideas for WoW but every time I do, my ideas are either shot down vehemently by the forum regulars or Blizzard doesn’t do anything until the situation becomes dire and they lose masses of players.

At this point, if Blizzard wants ideas to improve their game, they can at least start hiring and actually paying people for their time and effort.

Blizzard can barely make the content they have work… imaging them creating Party AI that reacts to mechanics.

Squaresoft quality is beyond Blizzard’s current ability.

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I mean yea a trust system would work in WoW but you wouldnt be able to get gear from it. And from that point on, WoW players would say, “well then there’s no point in doing it”

Blizzard will not reward solo play or implement solo progression in WoW. Wow is a group-environment meritocracy.

They’ve always had solo progression in some form or another.

We’ve had WQ rewards for the last few x-pacs and now we also have Korthia which can get a solo player Raid level gear.

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Botting has always been easy.

I don’t recall any of the dungeons in FFXIV being solo with NPCs except story quests like WoW does where you do scenarios at times with fellow NPCs. But the queueable ones in FFXIV, I have never seen a solo option w/ npcs.

Again, I don’t recall FFXIV ever doing their actual raids solo with npcs to help you instead of actual people.

No thanks. This is an mmo. If you need to solo raids then wait a few expansions and you can solo Mythic ones. Or, you can likely solo normal 1 expansion old. Like BfA you might be able to solo some normal mode raids now.