Would a trust system work in WoW? (solo dungeons/raids)

Been watching Towelliee play FFXIV lately and today I was introduced to a system called trust where you go into dungeons/trials with NPC’s and I thought that was a very cool idea story-wise for the game! Seeing that kind of made me wonder if a system like this could exist in WoW one day?

I just keep having the scenario go through my head of raiding ICC with the likes of Varian/Jaina/Tirion/Thrall/Sylvanas for story purposes.

what’s your opinion on this?


Judging by how npc Velen Acts, you’d be better off soloing it.


I don’t think it would work for WoW at all, honestly. Especially in the current state of the game, it would do more harm than good.

Sad as it is to say, the general wow playerbase will always find a way to abuse a system meant for good, into a way to hinder others


wouldnt you make botting easier with this?

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The AI is certainly there, the question is whether or not it would even be appropriate for the game. The lore is abysmal in WoW, and lore is one of the primary reasons why people do Trust in FFXIV - and honestly, people who don’t do Trust in FFXIV are just missing out.


caverns of time thrall just popped into my head and i frowned pretttttty heavily…
but, it would give another avenue for players to experience.

i would still like to see a mercenary option where you could hire npcs to fill empty dungeon spots (unless y’all like forty minute waits when trying to do scholo with your lowbie…?). you could hire npcs with different personality types to fit your needs, such as “i pull everything” mages or “you are safe with Braum” tanks lol


While this is very very true, and I hope that this one day changes (not holding my breath though as long as Danuser is around). I do feel like maybe this could give us a chance to become more connected with Major NPC’s in the game. like get their thought process with everything going on and see some commentary from there!

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Buy the latest book.

It could work.
I get why people wouldn’t want it, but technically it could work.
If nothing else, the NPCs could be like going to Stormwind garrison and hire the NPCs you need and have them look like Stormwind guards and priests etc.

It always seemed kinda odd to me that we, as champions, don’t have our own little entourage of handlers that we could enlist to cover our backs during our missions.

Varian didn’t have any at the Broken Shore and look what happened, ganked by a couple Felguards.

Would our kings and warchiefs REALLY let us go out on our own to risk the fate of everything, unattended?

I think not.


Yes to to the concept of AI partners in a raid or dungeon. Solo raids and dungeons would be a really good thing. I made a post about Solo dungeon and raids on the Community Council forum.

Your title is misleading though… I thought you were talking about the forum trust.


If they really wanted to be realistic you’d have Thrall standing in the fire, Sylvanas pulling extra mobs, Tirion a mile ahead of the group. Jaina just munching on mana buns and blowing Time Warp during trash to eat those buns faster.

The only proper way to run a dungeon! Player-style


sorry bout that, changed the title!

Give every NPC dungeon group a chance to proc Leeroy Jenkins as on of the team with a bonus if you can actually complete the dungeon with him yoloing randomly.

After I stopped laughing, it did make me think about how the AI NPCs might be assigned or chosen. My basic concept was simply for them to exist so we can do solo current content, but there could be more.

What if we could somehow select or earn access to various NPCs for use solo? What if some of them were a bit of a challenge and resulted in Achievements if you managed to complete it with them there?

What if all those garrison/command table followers you leveled and equipped could come help you?

I don’t want to over complicate it. I want the base system to have AI that lets you do current dungeons and raids for quests, story, professions. BUT having more to the system could be a heck of a lot of fun.

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While I’m not a fan of the idea of NPC teams, using the followers that we’re already getting for the tables makes the most sense for toons who’ve done that stuff.


Shouting “I am the World Shaman!” as he stands in it too XD.

Playing with an NPC group just gives me healer proving grounds flashbacks with NPC’s standing in fire and whining about heals. Then there is the tank mage tower with the worst healer NPC in the world…So I’m going to go no thank you.

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As long as they improve NPC AI I’d be all for it.

After dealing with the proving grounds and mage tower npcs I’m not convinced it’s a good idea just yet.

my issue is wow is an mmo, we should encourage players to group together for group content, not play solo.

could it work? sure
would players enjoy it? probably

just my opinion. We already see plenty of posts about how low the social interaction in wow is, imagine how many more there’d be if they added actual bots to play with you.