This really doesn’t make sense.
That’s like saying the cheese on my hamburger will ruin your hot dog.
This really doesn’t make sense.
That’s like saying the cheese on my hamburger will ruin your hot dog.
No, But I’m strongly of the mind that the things you learn in the first half of the game form the fundamentals of the last half, the same as it would be for a tank or a dps.
I would agree. I think WOTLK would bring a lot more players back than classic. Likely retain the players too. Classic is hemorrhaging players right now.
Dunno, there are millions of players with their particular expac they love. I think there’s money here.
Get owned BfA gamer
Let me state on the onset that i’m “NOT” a fan of pushing for TBC and WOTLK, That being said, firing up servers is not a big deal like it was in the early to mid 2000’s. Now its just a virtual server attached to some DB servers… so " making a set" of TBC/WOTLK servers is not very tough, 1 full server bank can handle numerous servers instances.
I"ve followed 2 guilds so far, whom have been the average age of 40 something. Most folks I’ve hung with in groups have been over 40, um… um… I think your “flocking to new things” might be overstated. (Again, this is personal observation, not surveys or data pulls for ages). LOL
No it wont.
i dont understand
i enjoy classic for being classic
i never played vanilla and i like the action on kalimdor and eastern kingdoms
but i see threads and posts about “cant wait till bc” or “wrath is where it is at”
what i dont understand is what is the interest to doing this all over again?
i started in bc but i sure as hell dont want to play burning crusade all over again or wrath
we will just end up back where we started
i feel like spinal tap when the band is backstage trying to get to the main stage and they keep going in circles ending up in the same place they started
Some of us played vanilla and ultimately preffered what came after it.
Where do you get the idea that players are leaving Classic? I understand that it’s anecdotal, but every time I log in lately my server population is high. This is noteworthy since over the previous month this server was typically medium population with some spikes to high on Friday / Saturday… now it’s only Medium during extreme off hours and High all other times. Additionally every time I log in the entire first screen of realms is either high or full.
Like I said, anecdotal but does not seem like players are leaving in droves.
Surprisingly player numbers INCREASED throughout the life of vanilla and later expacs in spite of the fact that THIS HAPPENED IN VANILLA.
Your assertion about the effect on player numbers is therefore patently rubbish.
All I know is the WoW has been dying since launch, and any day now the servers are going to be shut down cause it’s a ghost town.
In your hypothetical situation is the sequel already made and the viewer has seen it before just like the movie they’re currently watching?
This is based on…what?
WotLK already killed Classic. We don’t want to relive that travesty again.
No it’s not?
I was improving on the previously used movie metaphor.
But if you wanna get even more litteral:
It’s like going to see the re-release of A New Hope in theaters and wanting to see Empire before the opening crawl has even finished.
There that’s as close a movie metaphor as you’re gunna get.
Edit: RotJ (Wrarth) is still my favorite of the series.
It’s always funny to watch people sit in these threads telling people they won’t do TBC or WotLK servers. I mean how much hypocrisy can they take before they pop. Do they realize they are sitting on forums that shouldn’t exist from the “They won’t make classic servers.”
Inherently, making TBC or Wrath servers will take away from classic, that is a no brainer, Its also a self deluding want. If I scream, loud enough of I WANT TBC, then get it, i’m guessing 1/2 the population of classic goes with it, then you will get the I WANT Wrath rants who will then drain 1/2 the population away from TBC, since the original classic WoW who refused to leave for TBC certainly wont leave for Wrath, so what are you left with. 3 distinct wows (4 if you count retail) all competing for a stagnant client base of around 4 millions, that not really profitable in the long term. To much up keep for so little money.
In the morning when you log in most servers are low with a few showing medium. This is with layers removed.
After launch it was mostly medium or high.
Even during peak hours only a few regularly show full these days, some still show low pop during this time. Again layers are removed.
Its pretty clear the population has dropped dramatically.
Its only downhill from here and its looking pretty fast.
TBC would have better player retention than classic. Much better design.