WOTLK without RDF isn't WOTLK

Enjoy your dead game then.

It’s far from dead, very much alive.

It is not.


Plenty of other stuff they released early, lets not cherry pick.

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Makes you lazy tourists quit.

I see this thread is still rich in cringe and intellectually dishonest arguments.

We will see what the population is in about 3 months or so…lol

Whatever it is, RDF wouldn’t solve anything. The content RDF is used for is already behind most of the player base.

So, no harm in adding ithen.

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Finding dungeon group is extremely easy using the LFG tool, no need for RDF.

For you, not for all servers and level ranges. You just said, the content for rdf is behind the player base, yet said it is not needed for those trying to do that content. What difference is it to add it. Was ORGINALLY in the game.

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We have a grouping tool in the game that works for every dungeons of every levels.

No it doesn’t, you continuing to repeat it doesn’t make it true.

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And you continuing to say it doesn’t work doest make it true either

It works for YOU, not everyone. If it did, you wouldn’t see any post about it not working. Everyone has different circumstances, not that hard to forget that, a lot of people are.

Like working for company and the big city pays twice what the small town branch pays. Different people in different locations different environments.

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There is no way that Blizz cand make everyone happy. Implementing RDF will piss off a chunk of their playerbase, not implementing it will piss off a chunk of their playerbase, and another chunk of it doesn’t care. They made their decision.

For now, but the chunk that wants the original feature back in game will eventually leave. Though some might like that, the flip side is those lost subs will not play out well for player population and health of wrath.

They should have just gave us the original wrath and then made thier changes in the endeavor.

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well… so be it

at first I was behind them on some of their reasoning behind not wanting to add it. Main one being… People gearing too fast. But heck, I feel people geared faster without it then if it was to be added. Or maybe it would be the same. It’s just more convenience to have it

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Talk about being short sighted. Hope it comes, when they try and get those subs back.

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