WOTLK without RDF isn't WOTLK

Exactly! Dungeons and especially raids feel special because you EARNED your way into the raids and put in the required effort for the raids. Sometimes it is possible to earn a group by simply queueing and waiting, especially being a tank or healer, but to put the effort in to start a group is how WoW was and how WoW should remain.

Also being on the topic of how WoW should remain plz Blizz don’t destroy my precious Azeroth in Cata or if you do at least have the dragons, druids, and shamans heal it like you know, they actually were doing but for some reason never accomplished several expansions later.

I definitely addressed that too and agree with it, but my point for the social aspects is that they don’t help players that do not know the dungeon, they just kick them, replace them, repeat if needed, and call it a day. It felt terrible when I was learning the dungeon and it felt terrible watching 3 people kick someone who is obviously trying to learn but nobody else tried to take the time to teach them and sometimes my other group members didn’t have the patience for me to explain to the person learning and just decided kicking is faster.

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Any retail player would know this scenario.

“XXXXX-Ragnaros is now the group leader.” - What’s the logical next step? Take the deserter debuff.


You sound angry. Why so angry, butterfly? If the forums are going to consume you and cause you this much stress, you should go find something else to do with your time. You’re like the typical sith that has to control everything and gets angry when things don’t go your way. There is no reason to lash out. Breath.

And all of these things are affected by a lot of us raid logging because running dungeons without RDF isn’t worth the time. I refuse to socialize outside of my guild since Blizzard thought they could force it by removing RDF.

RDF wasn’t introduced until Fall of the Lich King. Sorry.

In your opinion.

Because you have the retail mentality.

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Whether RDF is good for the game is nothing but options on either side of the argument…Blizzard even said they are reconsidering the issue.

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I’m not angry at all. Anytime someone bluntly tells another person what they think the person thinks they’re angry. Honesty is frowned upon in this world. That’s one reason people usually tell little white lies or say nothing. The truth hurts so most people avoid telling it.

While I’ve watched the Star Wars trilogy once and enjoyed them I never thought they were good enough to watch the later versions nor did I delve into the lore enough to have a clear understanding of the philosophy of the sith. If you want to discuss modern philosophy with me you’d have to read Daniel Dennett or Sam Harris. For classical philosophy you’d need to read Jean-Jacques Rousseau before we could have a discussion. I almost never want to control anything. While I think most people make bad choices I don’t care what they do since their choices rarely affect me.

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I’m not going to read that wall of text if you’re going to stay angry all the time and pitch fits. Have a nice life.

You read it. You realized your education is so much less than mine that we’re barely able to talk with each other on much besides the weather. To protect your ego you pretended you didn’t read it. It’s the old fox and the sour grapes fable.

You know, if you really want to understand the nature of the news media and media in general you should read Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business by Neil Postman.

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusing_Ourselves_to_Death

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No, they asked for feedback.

They never said they were reconsidering the issue.

This is what Brian Birmingham said starting at about 18 minutes.

I would say we’re closer to not never than we ever were cause we were at never from the very beginning. Like we started at never but it’s more contentious than we expected it to be and like I said we have people on the classic team who are saying oh actually I would like it. So we’re having those conversations now. I don’t want to over promise. We don’t expect to add it, but we are having these conversations now. It’s a new conversation and we want to make sure we’re doing the right thing.  

Another wall of text and more anger. Darth Sidious would be proud of you.

Also that dev interview video you linked was from 6 months ago. They had those conversations. The conclusion they reached was not rdf but updating the classic lfg tool to be easier and more functional. It was a compromise. Technically, we all won.

I’m not at all surprised that five sentences constitutes a wall of text for you. And of course you’re lying. Many of your own posts are longer than 5 sentences. You lack a single rational response and you’d look stupid if you tried so you lie instead.

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I added further text to my last post.

Much of the classic community are terrible players who need gatekeeping. When you understand that everything makes sense.


The schools should carry the note. No government/banking financing. That would push more usable degrees that lead to careers that have paychecks. School wants to back 10 years of useless? They can eat the loss.

True and force colleges to cut a lot of bloat out of their programs.

Anyways, why were you quoting me?

Oh, nevermind.

If they want RDF they should go back to retail. Blizz should leave that out of classic. I earn the raids I join and finish; you sound like you do too.