Then it wouldn’t be how it was released. TBC Classic=as close to vanilla tbc as possible. Not as close as wotlk as possible. Your reasoning makes zero sense. I could ask for anything and use your reasoning as justification. Give us 1000% mount speed. You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.
SeAl oF tHe MaRtYr
tbc classic is classic, dumbo. it’s kinda in the name
Remind me what expansion Alliance Paladins received Seal of the Martyr?
Wasn’t SSC/TK available on launch day in TBC not time gated?
What expansion did arena ranking start at 0?
It’s such a stupid argument to make that “it wasn’t in the game until WOTLK” when there are so many things right now that have been added.
Fickle smooth brains can’t reconcile the contradictions.
LOL You mean TBC Classic? You just make zero sense don’t cha.
I agree. We made 1 change, just delete TBC and install Shadowlands overnight on people’s PC’s. Replace their character with a shadowlands character.
Agreed! Retail is the best! GO ACTIVISION I LOVE CALL OF DUTY
This is what the kids do when they have no argument and can’t even be bothered to lie about “authentic TBC”.
Trying to maintain too many contradictions in your brain seems to have fried it.
I mean it’s a simple question.
When was Seal of the Martyr implemented?
Funny thing is, the OP probably didn’t even think about that while he was writing the topic. He probably thought, “Hah! This’ll stump them! I’m so clever!”
Nah… this is what happens when you introduce old, dated systems. The convenience of the new systems are unrivaled. People are realizing just how ‘inconvenient’ the old concept of respecing was… people seen a better system and want it in the old world. It’s the same 5-6 people against it…
duel spec is for retail
So, WOTLK is Retail?
I will wait patiently for WOTLK to come so that we get DUEL SPEC
yes, it is.
I thought you were a troll before… but this comment just confirms it completely. Lol.
Seal of the Martyr implemented in Wrath.
Now implemented in TBC Classic.
TBC Classic is retail.
muh sEaL oF tHe mArTyR
Retail TBC Classic tastes delicious!