WOTLK was when Duel Spec was introduced

Ayyye bros, we can all wait till classic WOTLK until we get it, until then, just respec. :ok_hand:


no we cant


I mean I have no expectation of it being added, but I don’t see why people are so against it.


If blizzard had more devs in TBC you probably could have expected it to be released in TBC.


tanks/helaers profiting from it, people that dont have the balls to say no to a raid leader and the old crowd “I dont play the game in that way so you cant do it either”

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we’ve told you many times. you just choose to ignore our answers.


WoD is when boosts were introduced, so what’s your point?


If you can list one other than “it wasn’t in TBC” let me know.

I have said numerous times, I can respect that stand point, but outside that there is no other real reason to be against dual spec


Yup, and we can wait until WOTLK until we are given duel spec

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Imagine looking at the absolute putrid state of TBC and thinking ‘no we cant add dual spec, it will make things worse’.



I mean, this is as valid a reason as any. And a pretty good reason, too.

There are other reasons, but you literally have just dismissed the one brought by the poster, who stated that they tend to be dismissed. It’s sort of ironic.

In any case, some people want Dual Spec, some people don’t.

I’m not a proponent of dual spec, because I don’t think it does a good job of solving the problems it aims to solve, and that there are better solutions that are easier to implement. That doesn’t mean that I think adding dual spec would break the game.


Probably this. TBCC is running on maintenance mode

nah, i’ll just play a different game outside of raid time. could be doing something else, but cant be bothered to respec.


I’m in the same boat and I don’t see the big deal with adding it either.

Something about mmorpg gamers makes them obsess about the little things. Gamers from every other genre just deal or move on to something they enjoy instead.


Duel Spec means more grinding for gear, and aint nobody got time for that

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i have a near-full bis ret set(even hve dst. missing some boots though), full prebis prot set, and a very respectable holy set that i got all within the first month of tbcc. my holy set has 1800 +healing but will never be used because its simply not justifyable to respec holy for one or two dungeons before i’m needed as ret or prot again


Boosts weren’t a thing in TBC neither was FvF BGs.

Might want to rethink your stance.


I kinda want blizzard to release dual spec with an inflated cost from it’s original release. The anger and outrage will be wonderful.


Nah why dont you level to 70 first before you say anything

No your answers are always “It wasnt in TBC before” thats it.

Literally only makes the game better.

No downside to it.

They already made drastic changes to the game so why not this one. Lets list the changes so you can’t tell me its CLASSIC TBC because its not.

  1. Boosts
  2. New Mount
  3. Timegatting raids and dailies
  4. Not the original patch.
  5. Arena points and rankings.
  6. HvH

Pretty sure there is more but you get my point. This isnt CLASSIC! they already changed the game so why not change this.

It helps the economy, its bad for no one, good for everyone.

All the gold respec cost is just a gold sink thats it.