So I have an level 80 Resto and I wanted to get all the herlooms so I can level my Warrior in cata, the question is are the servers from WOTLK be just become cata servers or will they erase all of our characters and only allow 1 character transfer?

they are converting our wrath characters into cata

You login on June 32nd Wednesday and it’s Wrath. You got your 5 toons.
You then login on June 33rd Thursday, and it’s Cataclysm. You still got all 5 toons.


When the WotLK servers transision into Cataclysm servers so do your characters.

The wrath realms will become the cataclysm realms.

you level all five of your 80’s to 85 in the first week of cata launch. It’ll take around 40-45 hours for all five characters. You get them all into raids, find arena teammates for each character. There will be lots of runs available. The servers will be poppin’

Around the time you are full phase 1 bis, the game will be dead. You will go play something else and eventually pop back in to ask about MoP


It will follow the same pattern as Classic > TBC > WoTLK > Cata and will continue through expansions until all toons are offered a merger with retail.

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See you in 85 years

Napkin math:

(Summer) 2019 - (Summer) 2024:

  • 3 expansions in 5 years of classic
  • 2.5 expansions in 5 years of retail (Classic release was mid bfa [expansion 8])

(2.5/5)x+8.5=(3/5)x <=> x=85

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I imagine later expansions like BFA, SL, might even end up on 6 month cadences or all released at once because how unpopular they were, in which case a merger could be done in under 10 years.

your trolling needs work.

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Yeah, I don’t know why some people pretend Classic is barreling down on Retail. It’s catching up….very slowly. The reality is it’ll never catch it.


Not exactly things are going to speed up due to less content in each expansion.

Because they are. Especially because we don’t have 1 year droughts. Further add that future expansions have less content…

Cata is 3 phases, MoP is 3 phases, WoD is 2 phase, Legion is 3 phases, BfA is 4 phases, SL is 3 phases, DF is 3 phases. This is being generated and given each phase 6 months. We would have completed Dragonflight in 10.5 years. If we go by Wrath’s own release cadence average of 4 months. We would instead catch up in 7 years.

With retail expansions dropping expansion roughly every 2 years. This would be an additional 3- 5 expansions, and given the structure of modern expansion supply 3 phases of content. This would add an additional 3- 5 years of content for classic in which an additional 2-3 expansions would launch for retail… which is 2-3 years for classic… I suppose you can see the pattern at this point

Classic will catch up to retail in 11-13 years. The only way it doesn’t catch retail is if Blizzard decided we are just going to have classic always be one expansion behind arbitrarily which would be dumb.

and this is assuming the speed up on content that was mentioned from classic doesn’t make us go faster then 4 months a phase.


Your math is comical. It’ll be decades before Classic catches Retail. By the way, Retail releases are speeding up too. They just announced the next three.

It’s a moot point anyway. I would be very surprised if Blizz continues putting out Classic expansions past MoP. There is virtually zero desire from anyone for WoD servers.

Even if Retail stopped dead right now, Classic wouldn’t reach it for a good 12 years. They’ve got Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA, and Shadowlands before reaching DF. At 2 years a pop that’s a dozen years. But by then Retail have put out another 4+ expansions. Which adds another 8 years to catch that. In those 8 years Retail will probably have another 3 expansions. That’s another 6 years for Classic. And so on.

It might Catch Retail in 30 years or so.


I don’t get why you’re obsessed with zaalg making a mistake or changing his mind. If you’ve never changed your mind that just means you’ve never learned anything over the years. I was a huge supporter of vanilla era. I was convinced by the stories people told of private servers and while I didn’t get why anyone would play an expansion forever I was convinced era would have a healthy population. I made a mistake, I was wrong, and that’s one reason I don’t think wrath era will have a healthy population if blizzard can be convinced to add some. You could easily find posts by me in late vanilla in favor of era servers to put next to my posts now against era servers. I’m not embarrassed by that. I learn from my mistakes. But your obsession with it just shows a rigid mind incapable of learning from your experiences.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’d just like to mention that the last time we heard about speeding up expansions, or make them yearly, Warlords of Draenor was released and then hardly produced any content and was regarded at the time as the absolute worst expansion up to that point.

Well, War Within is slated for summer of this year. Maybe early fall. Dragonflight won’t even make it 2 years.

Wrath Classic will probably last longer than DF. So Classic is actually losing ground on catching Retail.

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I don’t read your posts, save your rambling for someone else.


This is the correct take.

I don’t post for you to read. I post for the sensible intelligent people to read.