It literally isn’t should I put out all the numbers so you can see it yourself? I’ve given you most of the numbers. It should be that hard to do basic addition and multiplication.

and yes, they said both Retail and Classic are speeding up… guess what that changes? Nothing! The speed-up for Retail is from 2 years to 1.5 years. The speed-up for classic is unknown, but currently, we have 16-week phases on average. If they want to work in month that would lower it to 12-week phases. This would equate to a rate of roughly 2 classic expansions per retail expansion. Once again classic and retail converge 2-3 expansions after The Last Titan.

Nope wrong, I don’t know where the hell you are getting the idea that each classic expansion is going to last 2 years each. They aren’t even going to last a year without the fact they are being sped up.

Again. Each expansion are going to have a max of 3 phases. With the exception of WoD having 2 and BfA having 4. Phases on average currently run 16 weeks… or 48 weeks. 4 shy of a year. Blizzard’s intentions are to speed this up just like retail.

It will catch up in a third of that.

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Your post is worth a chuckle. Classic will ‘catch’ Retail in 25-30 years. Or…never.

Depending how they decide it can be 4



Given that phases have no static length and are mostly bound to pvp seasons

And for the overall discussion about catching up
Some expansions are shorter, others are longer. TBCC was only 18 months. This is nothing new. And even if you say that now expansions only take 1 year (and that is HARD copium because a) they want to milk players b) they want to have the least dev time possible and c) players want to have a full season of at least 4months PER phase), it would STILL take 11 years that Classic catches up with Retail.

(2.5/5)x+8.5=x+3 <=> x=11

Every expansion around 18 months (like TBCC) would take 33 years.

(2.5/5)x+8.5=(2/3)x+3 <=> x=33

I know math is hard for some of you but with math you can answer all these questions. You don’t have to speculate.

The issue with most of you Classic players is that you don’t understand that Retail is continuing too. For some of you Retail never left Cataclysm. Apparently it’s been Cataclysm for 14 years.
To make this clear, Retail is continuing too, at around the same pace as Classic currently and each expansion is different to another. In 10 years, even BfA or Shadowlands is fundamentally different to whatever expansion Retail is at that time.

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Blizzard won’t allow the progression servers to catch up to Retail beacause people buy the current expansion for Retail, if the progression servers caught up their business model for Retail WoW is rendered pointless

10+ years is a long time for them to do something about it.

They have been basing phase on PvE content releases. That is why Wrath has 5 phase. Why do I said that? Well, it isn’t by major patches. Wrath would have only had 4 phases then. Hell Vanilla Classic would have had 12. What do the two expansions that didn’t introduce battlegrounds later to replicate the original release of the game do… It is separated by raid release. No more no less, but you go ahead and believe what you want to believe for whatever side you want to push.

I’ll be here just not at all bothered when in less than a year from Cataclysm Classic launch we are already done with Deathwing and are in MoP if Blizzard sticks to their statement of speeding things up.

Yeah, don’t think Blizzard at all cares about pvp season anymore… or they are making them shorter. Either way the average phase length has been 16 weeks.

Doesn’t matter how long a retail expansion lasted for. The actual content of each one in less than the time they took. Each one had a huge gap where there were content droughts because they were still making the next expansion. On average this was about a year, but ranged from around .54 years to 1.25 years… and note the majority are in the 75-100% year mark. Vanilla to TBC and TBC to Warth being the lower outlier while MoP to WoD and WoD to Legion are the higher outlier.

Yeah… to bad they already stated they wanted to speed up content… and their own road map has us in Firelands around October. Which at that pace would put Dragonsoul to launch around January of 2025.

I guess we are arbitrarily going to stay in Dragon Soul for 6-month so that Cataclyms can take longer than a year so that we catch up to retail slower… You know so the people can stop playing and drop off. Gotta love losing money right?

No, we will be in MoP Classic May/June 2025

Every expansion isn’t going to take 18 months. Vanilla and TBC are outliers. Hell Wrath is an outlier. The majority of expansions are shaped like Cataclysm. Which finishes in under a year by their own roadmap.

I know that common sense, and using all the information available to you is hard. I know it won’t support your argument, but it would give you accurate numbers to go off instead of basing numbers of the longer version of the game… instead of you know what is to come… and what Blizzard themselves have told you is to come.

The issue with you… is that you think people are stupid… so you disregard them without reading their post… You assume you are right, and instead of second-guessing yourself. You double down.

Everyone knows retail is continuing. If you at all read my post. You would know that I included that continuation and that catch-up point would be around the 4th expansion after The Last Titan.

Retail is continuing at a slower rate than Classic. They aren’t equivalent. At the moment Retail comes out with 1 expansion per 2 years. Blizzard has stated they want to increase that to 1 expansion per 1.5 years. We do not know if Blizzard is going to stick to that 1.5 years estimate or is going to end up staying with their 2 year history. Classic going forward due to the streamline in expansion design is going to finish every expansion in about 48-51 Weeks(3 16-week phases give or take a week or two). That isn’t taking into account Blizzard’s statement of wanting Classic to go faster

This means in the middling scenario in which Classic doesn’t speed up, but Retail doesn’t either. Classic is doing 2 expansions in the time that Retail is doing 1. This means by the time The Worldsoul Saga ends. Classic would be finishing Shadowlands and Going into Dragonflight. Lets put another trilogy after The Worldsoul Saga (and this is major speculation as it is assuming The War Within, Midnight, and The Last Titan follow the same paradigm every expansion outside of BfA and WoD followed (3 Tiers of raiding). During that first expansion Classic would be doing Dragonflight and The War Within. During the Second expansion Classic would be doing Midnight and The Last Titan. During the Third expansion Classic would be doing the First and Second Expansion. During the expansion that happens after the second trilogy. Classsic would be both finishing the second trilogy and the expansion that came after it.

At that point Classic and Retail merge into one… Time taken to catch up about 13 years.

Now assuming the best case scenario for your argument. Retail speeds up to 1.5 years per expansion and Classic stays at its current pace of 16-week average phases or 1 expansion a year. This would put things are a pace of 2 retail expansion per 3 classic expansions. Also lets assume Blizzard likes the trilogy format and will just keep that going forward for naming purposes.

Cata, MoP, WoD = TWW, Midnight
Legion, BFA, SL = TLT, ST1
DF, TWW, Midnight = ST2, ST3
TLT, ST1, ST2 = TT1, TT2
ST3, TT1, TTR2 = TT3, FT1
TT3, FT1, FT2 = FT2. FT3
FT3, 5T1, 5T2 = 5T1, 5T2

Once again we are all caught up. Retail and Classic merge with the release of Fifth Trilogy 3. Total catch-up time 21 years. Still a decade shy of the 30+ years that you and another have been spouting.

Now for funsies. Let’s go with the worst-case scenario for your argument. One that is possible since the content is already made, but would be sad to see from retails management end. Maybe the devs couldn’t hack it, Maybe Microsoft decided they had a record-breaking year and needed to celebrate by firing half the staff. Who knows, but what holds true is that Retail did not speed up, but Classic did. Let’s say this speed-up is to go from 16 weeks a phase average to 12 weeks a phase average. As a speed up -1 month makes sense. This would put the ratio of 3 Classic expansions to 1 Retail expansions. Which would look like this

Cata, MoP, WoD = TWW
Legion, BfA, SL = Midnight
DF, TWW Midnight = TLT
TLT, ST1 = ST1

We have caught up and merged in 8 years for Second Trilogy 2.

and to be complete and do the final scenario based of Blizzard’s statements. What if both Retail and Classic hold true to their speed up? Well the ratio is tiny bit more difficult to find, but it is 9 Classic expansions for every 4 Retail expansions. This happens over the course of 6 years. Why those numbers. Well as mentioned earlier with the speed up Classic you have roughly 3 expansions in 2 years and with Retail you’d have roughly 2 expansions in 3 years. The closest matching year amount is 6. Which looks something like this

Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, SL, DF, TWW, Midnight = TWW, Midnigt, TLT, ST1.
TLT, ST1, ST2, ST3 = ST2, ST3

Caught up we would merge for Third Trilogy 1. Time to catch up roughly 9 years.

Both Retail and Classic stay the same speed = Catches in 13~ years finishing expansion 17 together.
Retail speeds up, but Classic doesn’t = Catches in 21~ years finishing expansion 24 together.
Retail doesn’t speed up, but Classic does = Catches in 8~ years finishing expansion 15 together.
Both Retail and Classic speed up = Catches in 9~ years finishing expansion 16 together.

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I still can’t tell if you’re being serious, or just horrible at math.

First of all Wrath is going to last as long, if not longer, than Dragonflight. War Within scheduled for summer or early fall. Cata scheduled for late spring or early summer. So for simplicity sake let’s say they launch around the same time. Original Cata launched 2010. So that puts Classic roughly 14 years and 7 expansions behind Retail.

Let’s assume going forward a cadence of 2 years of Retail expansion length and 1.5 years for Classic expansions (which is months shorter than Wrath Classic).

So how fast does Classic catch current Retail. 7 expansions at 1.5 per is 10.5 years. Just to get through DF. 10.5 years from now Retail will have put out another 5 expansions. Again at 1.5 per that’s another 7.5 years of Classic. Now we’re up to 18. In those 7.5 years Retail puts out another 3.75 expansions. I’ll even roll it down to 3. That’s another 4.5 years, but I’ll just say 4. We’re now at 22 years. 4 years is two more Retail expansions, or 3 years in Classic. 25 years.

25 years and it hasn’t even caught Retail at a very conservative 2 year Retail (longer than Dragonflight) vs 1.5 year Classic (shorter than Wrath) expansion length. And if you think they’ll go shorter than 1.5, you’re nuts. Wrath will be nearly 2 years when Cata finally launches.

By the way, Classic launched 2019. Vanilla was 2004, so it trailed Retail by 15 years. Now it’s 14 years behind. It’s gained a whole year in 5 years. Classic is crawling towards Retail.

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How is that relevant to anything I said?
Wrath has 4 phases, all starting a new pvp season. Cata should in theory have 4, and the others I listed 4 by default.
In fact they already confirmed 4 phases with the announcement of phase 2 being “Rise of Zandalar”, but keep going this nonsense.

Doesn’t matter if they or we care. That’s what they have been doing.

Never talked about OG expansions. Your lack of comprehension is insane. It is not new that some expansions are shorter (TBCC) and others are longer (WOTLKCC).

They have said that for TBC too. Whats your point? Classic content is a bit faster than the original release. Its one of the main draw of Classic.

There is no indication for that. Let us assume that Cata releases on July. In that world,
Rise of Zandalar should release around October (Start of fall, as indicated in the timeline)
and Firelands should release around November (Mid of fall). 4 months of T11.

Let us assume you are right. Dragon soul will release on January.
This means, Firelands will the current content for 2 months (8 weeks and 2-3 weeks of that is holidays). One of the most popular raids in WoW’s history - 8 weeks. Also, when do you want to raid test Dragon Soul during that time? Normally testing takes around 5-6 weeks. So are we going to raid test Dragon Soul at the same time as Firelands releases? Don’t forget, Blizzard doesn’t work during holidays.
Just as a reference, even togc, the memest raid of all time, lasted 4 months.
Can you spot the mistake here?

Thats not arbitrarily. Firelands and Dragon Soul will most likely be around 5-6 months, as most tiers are. Dragon Soul will not take 12 months as in 2012.

That is the most hilarious take from you yet. Expect Mists of Paandaria Classic to release around late 2025.

Ah okay so every expansion is an outliner? Why isn’t Cataclysm an outliner? I know why. You don’t like it.

Still waiting support of your claims

Not people in general. Most Classic andys are indeed and you just don’t show any difference.

I think its time for you to take a deep breath and go back to high school. Your math or just general logical thinking is seriously lacking.
I already told you the math behind it. Even in your strange world where they will just rush each expansion within a year, it would take 11 years.

Also, they never said that. You invented that.

If classic gets to BFA or whenever and the player base is just dead and all servers are low / merged, then it’s reasonable to assume they’d just offer a retail transfer for the remaining player base. That could well be within the next decade.

Classic will eventually pass retail, and have classic versions of retails future expansions before the retail expansions are released.


It’ll never happen, Blizzard will do something before it’d reach that point.

Legion I’d see slow down progression, if reached.

It had mage tower so a time filler for the completionists.

And artifact appearance grinds.

And level scaling to where the true completionists now had free rein for mop lower raids. That for me when bfa then sl went to crap….kept me subbed and content. If memory serves some wod raids were workable too at the end,

Several classes tried their rng luck on weekly raids for mogs. Lacking that…I’d have been unsubbed really.

Every expansion should. There is no reason to rush any expansion

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With SoD’s success I see less of a reason for Blizz to speed up the Progression servers. In fact, I could see the opposite. Why rush it when players can spend time in the Seasonal server? Always something to do.

It’s happening now.

I had so hoped for Wrath era with clone service to Cata.

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I was hoping for a clone transfer service to permanent wrath classic realms to. But blizzard hates us. I am going to continue pestering them for a permanent wrath classic option though. Just stupid not to have that option.


WotLK had it’s time, it was great while it lasted.

Definitely think permanent wrath classic servers should come out so that wrath classic can last forever.


That’s nice but WotLK had it’s time, it was great while it lasted.

Agreed. Cata is fundamentally a different game