Wotlk RDF Gamma

Hey all, just wanting something cleared up here, I hit 210ilvl as the RDF wanted me to hit for gamma, the dungeon difficulty in Wotlk, but now it says Unable to Queue or ineligible to queue for gamma. Am I missing something?

what is gamma? You might want to elaborate.

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It seems to be part of the Titan Rune dungeons that Blizzard introduced in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Gamma refers to a difficulty level of those dungeons. There is also Alpha and Beta as well.

link: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/guide/dungeons/titan-rune-dungeon-overview


Did the logout and back in again suggestion from your other thread help at all?

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I’ll let you know once I’m home :+1:

Edit: a logout fixed the issue thanks all