[WotLK News] A live chat with Devs

This entire forum topic is about that. There ya go, I pointed it out.

So the people talking about it post when the WCC “had their talk” with devs, means it was asked about by the community before the talk?


Class balance was pretty good in wrath so not sure why it’s even an issue being discussed at all.


Well per what they said (also in this forum that you clearly didn’t read) blizzard had topics they wanted to discuss. It doesn’t look like they gave them much of a choice on talking points.
My guess is blizzard has been thinking of this change for a while and wanted to gauge people about it.

Some argue it’s the most balanced ever was. Good point.

I’m only bringing it up in relation to the ilvl scaling changes they were talking about, which is fairly relevant.
*edit - here is a good post that also brings up things about raid comps changing due to scaling for example:
The post-Ulduar gear iLvl squish suggestion is a bad and lazy idea - WoW Classic / WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

It’s just an excuse to ignore more important topics being discussed by the community. This whole WCC “talk with devs” is a farce meant to gaslight the community. It’s honestly an insult to intelligence that they even attempt to pass this off as sincere to the community.


I get that everyone is malding but I have a serious question that many of my scholars and dentists are wondering the answer to. Do these changes make Death Knights stronger? If so, OMEGAROLL, if not, sadge.

TY in advance.

No lol. It’s about RDF now. You know. The topic making up most of the forum posts. Good job doing PR work for free.


The bigger issue is that it would dramatically impact raid tuning if ToC/ICC/RS don’t get rebalanced as well to account for it.

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And that’s what I’ve been reading as a concern. A friend of mine also discussed this a bit with me on the side.
In the changes talked about they didn’t even bring up rebalancing the raids, they only talked about the ilvl squish.
Which if not handled correctly could vastly impact a ton of systems.

Exactly why Community council members are a joke

How do you NOT ask about RDF lol


Posted here for the rest of us.


You mean 3.3.5?

The thread that had the posts concerning only one server being released was responded to by a blue within a few hours because it blew up almost instantly.

You don’t see that with RDF. No matter how committed they are for it, there just isn’t enough interest in it.

But why? This tbh honest and I try to not be insulting, sounds over the top to be polite or at least how it was put from what I read with lvl squishing the gear. Why not just make heroic gear almost as good or as good instead of squishing gear that affects progression into the next phase.
But Tbh honest defeats the literal basic rpg purpose of moving forward in a game, actually makes it more boring… There’s plenty of awesome items in plenty of rpg games and mmo’s i’ve played that are hard to get. But I got to move on even though that boss was harder than the one later. Naxx 40 was way harder than tk and ssc tbh. I don’t want that gear to be comparable as that makes no sense.
Or to be closer with the times. there’s bosses in tk I thought that were harder than hyjal bosses. Again the gear doesn’t need to be better or equal. If you reallllllyyyy want that then the easier solution that might not have as big of consequences is just raising ilvl of
heroic gear instead of dropping gears level from the next tier that is supposed to help with progression going into the next tier and into that heroic or even for that guild to go into normal ICC… Like I see this doing more bad than good especially sense people want to make bosses harder. Again if I understood the other post and the blizzard comment right. This makes even less sense and making heroic gear better makes more than dropping ilvl.
You know what ill give a irl example. I make 20 dollars an hour and you make 17 ( or vice versa in the wow instance.) instead of asking for a raise I ask them to decrease your salary for your job because I thought you were making to much. I now impoversh you ruining connections and your ability to put food on the table even possibly making the community more toxic towards individuals in that job when all I had to do was ask for a raise that would be more beneficial than hurting someone else. Idk just how I see it.

Don’t release new content so quickly. Problem solved.

See previous.

Titles and legendaries do this.

You’re doing that by altering the numbers on players as opposed to doing it to the bosses. This is very much looking like ill-disguised balance changes masquerading as “make gear relevant” because there are far less disruptive ways to accomplish what you claim to be trying to do.

This was part of Wrath. Stop acting like you know better. Seeing Retail, you clearly do not. We do not want your “balance changes” here.

It’s not “scary”, don’t insult us by comparing us to something akin to a child alone in the dark. We can comprehend what you’re doing just fine. We don’t need the condescension.

Here’s my feedback.



You know what ill give a irl example. I make 20 dollars an hour and you make 17 ( or vice versa in the wow instance.) instead of asking for a raise I ask them to decrease your salary for your job because I thought you were making to much. I now impoversh you ruining connections and your ability to put food on the table even possibly making the community more toxic towards individuals in that job when all I had to do was ask for a raise that would be more beneficial than hurting someone else. Idk just how I see it.

That’s Socialism you’re thinking of, totally different ball of wax, and not what the stat squish is about. They want to reduce the impact of TOC gear and make Ulduar gear more impactful in terms of progression and gearing. Previously you could basically skip ulduar and just run TOC and get the gear needed to get into ICC. They want things to be more linear and make upgrades more meaningful.

Now keep in mind this is their intent. That does not mean this is the result we will get.

At least one of them has a sense of scope it seems.

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he didn’t describe socialism at all