[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

It’s been awhile but as i recall the group leader can set minimum ilvl requirements and set to auto accept any applications. But there’s no option for people trying to join to auto apply.

You just told me the game is an unhealthy state. Im not having that TBC experience. You made a statement can you actually back it up or no? You claim correctness but never actually get around to proving it. Like 10 straight posts. The only thing youve said is how right you are and Im giving you the opportunity to prove it.

When someone asks you to present your evidence the move is to present your evidence. How much more room is there on your face for clown make up?

Why? Because the Blizz devs arent giving you RDF? Yeah, you got a real firm grip on this one.


Because your experience is not a legitimate one. I either think you’re lying or just don’t play and are grasping at what you think playing TBC Classic is like.

Kinda like…you?

Type faster

How much faster?

idk fast enough to get an invite faster than “never”

Yeah “feral dps looking for daily heroic” will get me a group, especially if i type it faster.

You should be tanking, silly.

I bet if you whispered “T6 cat” quickly any time you saw a group looking for deeps you’d get invited!

So other people telling me how I should be playing the game…where have I seen this before? Oh right, the Anti-LFD people.

They could have already added dual spec to help with this.

Plus, not everyone wants to or is comfortable with a role they don’t main. Especially with how toxic and vile a lot of people can be.

I’d rather they just implement the system that fixed the problem in the first place.

You should be tanking, and anyone who ever whispers you to tank for them because you happen to have done so in the past is automatically your friend and you should drop everything you’re doing to tank. Because that’s how being social works.


You’re ridiculous.

I’m literally a DPS cat and I will basically never tank for heroics, and I’m of the completely opposite opinion.

Don’t use your chosen role/class as some kind of crutch or excuse.

I’d rather pay a paladin tank 100g to tank for me. Tanking heroics as a feral is not enjoyable at all. WOTLK is a different story, but its still not as good as a prot pally/warrior.

Side story, I did actually end up tanking all through P1 and partially P2 because they messed up druid energy. Once it was fixed, I tried to step down from tanking and I was literally getting Pm’d 5+ times a day to go tank random crap. I eventually just stopped logging in during non raid times, or woudl tell people i vendored my tank set.

It really doesnt.

Dead realms always happen.

Rdf doesnt fix dead realms (which is what is causing your listed “issues”) it puts a babdaid on one of the symptoms of dead realms without actually fixing anything.

It doesnt fix the empty world, it doesnt fix the dead AH, it doesnt fix the lack of raids happening, exc.

Rdf is a bandaid. Blizzard is doing forced realm mergings which will help all lf the issues of a dead realm far more than rdf would.

The problem isnt a lack of rdf. The problems have been caused entirely by player choice which kead tobdead realms which kead to hard times finding grouos, empty world, exc.

Rdf is not the miracle cure you are trying to make it out to be.

Thats a blizzard problem.

It actually does fix making content available for those that choose to stay on dead realms, however. I’m not trying to tell others how to play the game. If they want to stay on a dead realm, so be it.

Not even sure what would fix this? You can’t blame RDF for it, open world has been dead since P2/P3 of Classic Vanilla.

Sometimes there just isn’t a cure and you just treat the symptoms. A treatment is way better than ignoring the problem, thats for sure.

The heck is a babdaid? Where would you even get one?

The “b” is pretty close to the “n”. Understandable typo.

The way you guys make stuff up it’s hard to tell.

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Ok. Anything constructive to add to the discussion of the thread?