Yes and guess what is cool about the retail lfg tool? It perfectly co-exists with RDF being in the game
Its also cross realm too
Yes and guess what is cool about the retail lfg tool? It perfectly co-exists with RDF being in the game
Its also cross realm too
Never said I was.
I will have no need to “backpedal”.
I’ll feel the same way about RDF should they magically decide the opposite decision of what they already decided.
I’ll be disappointed but I’ll still play anyway.
So is WOTLK’s RDF tool…what’s your point?
His point is that you don’t need RDF…WOTLKC doesn’t need it, specifically.
Confused. what’s the difference between a cross realm LFG tool for RDF?
That they said it would basically be LFG bulletin which sucks. It doesn’t. It’s perfectly functional.
Which is why its pointless debating with you. You’ve taken the cowards way out on it.
I’ve admittedly never used it. I hope it’s good enough. I’m not eager to jump into WotLK without knowing exactly what it entails and would like to be able to test it out in Beta. Yes, I don’t have to pay for an expansion this time around, but it would be nice to know whether I should let my subscription expire or whatever.
While true to an extent thats not the discussion thats being had. Its centered around one feature and the mere existence of other features doesnt a feature make.
RDF is perfectly functional. Not trying to be an a-hole here, but you’re not convincing me that we’re getting something just as good as RDF, but the opposite.
Is the discussion somehow not valid unless I make some kind of life-changing gamble should they re-implement RDF?
I have to bet my life on it or something?
There wouldnt be much different in Wrath because it doesnt have mythic+
Oh, one is for raids? Which one is that? Sorry, i don’t play Retail or really any of it’s previous forms to any significant degree.
No, but if you’re going to go so hard on defending the decision and then when they revert it you’re like “Oh, well that sucks. Oh well.”
You should most certainly eat crow when they revert it.
So that’s all this is for you.
A game to see who eats the most crow lol.
The LFG Tool is basically just LFG Bulletin Board but built into the game(and cross realm) so people still list and apply to groups manually.
It also supports pretty much any kind of group so dungeons, raids, quests etc…
RDF is for dungeons but Wrath wont have Mythic+ dungeons so the difference between retails LFG tool and the random dungeon finder is that the random dungeon finder doesnt allow you to queue for mythic+ dungeons
No. Thats not all it is. But its certainly entertaining when someone who presents themselves as authorative on the subject gets humbled.
Thanks both of you. Way to many freaking acronyms.
Right. What is the point in taking out an authentic system from Wrath that works and does the job, and replacing it with a Retail version? Is that really what a Classic server is about?