[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Unless you’re ok with people having to spend money in order to play the game with any other people at all, then dead servers are the only example we have to give to this one of yours. In some instances like kromcrust, etc, RDF would be the only way theyd ever find a dungeon group outside of maybe max level dungeons.

Yeah I’m sure blizzard will unlink classic era realms any day now when there’s a massive flood of players returning to them.

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Game sees a surge once every 4-5 years… BOOMING

Classic was dying before TBC even came out.

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unfortunately whale hunting has become an industry standard. It’s extremely rare to find multiplayer experiences anymore without it.

The real Classic experience died the moment Blizz stopped caring about RMT, bots, GDKPs, and boosts. Whales ruin everything, then the casuals leave, then the whales get bored and move onto another medium they can ruin.

The entire reason classic became a thing at all is due to the growing population of people who were playing mostly on vanilla servers.

Blizzard had their own take on it, and it was better in some ways, worse in others, but at least it was safe and consistent (not prone to shut down etc, like a lot of private servers had been prior to Classic).

But to say that specifically Blizzard’s vanilla server ending is somehow the death of the vanilla community takes a level of hubris, and ignorance to the decades prior to Classic Era’s release of people playing consistently on vanilla servers.


What’s silly is there aren’t even really whales in WoW because there really just isn’t pay to win and they’d make a lot more money from having a larger player base whenever they release a new reskinned whatever mount/pet.

Of course groups still happen, it’d be stupid to assume they weren’t. There’s also a lot of people who can’t get into groups simply because their class and spec. RDF would completely alleviate this and make doing actual content in game accessible to everyone.

If you want a healthy game for an entire expansion, it is absolutely necessary. If you lack the logic and insight to see this, I again, am not here to educate you or anyone else. Figure it out yourself, or don’t. I don’t care.

I’ll bet you all my gold WOTLK will be fine without RDF.

Depends on your definition of “fine” I suppose, but I bet you there will be tons of active raiding guilds and plenty of people doing content.

Remember, you can only win if WOTLK-C “dies” without RDF. Pretty bold stance to take.

Actually it was Blizzards attack on private servers. Blizzard didnt have the actual 1:1 content that pservers were stealing anymore until they released classic vanilla. Pretty narcissistic to think pserver players and vanilla fanbois had anything to do with it. If that were the case it wouldnt have taken 15 years to make it happen.

Its dead, SOM is dead. Vanilla sucked plain and simple.


So your metric of it being fine is measuring how much content that its not even designed for is doing ok? LOL

Welp, people are raiding ulduar today, RDF must not have been important

My metric for “fine” is people actively doing (current) content in numbers that makes it relatively simple for a new player to hitch a ride and get involved in to the system (join a guild, become a raider, or join an arena team and become part of the ladder).

What’s yours?

Vanilla servers will always see an initial boom then a drastic decline, to the point of dead servers (like we see now with SoM). Vanilla is by far the worst iteration of the game because it lacked all QoL systems which made the game accessible and enjoyable for all its players.

Ironically, these hardcore vanilla lovers will blame TBC Classic on the failing of SoM, even though history shows us that TBC is the least popular classic expansion to date. Its just because vanilla was bad, plain and simple. They’re too ignorant to admit it, though.

By that definition TBC Classic is already not fine.

How so?

You make a lot of vague statements without clarification (par for the course).

Just recently players discovered from a job posting that Diablo 4 will have an in-game cash shop. Which should surprise no one. This company really just seems to want to milk every possible cent from the players, often to the detriment of the quality of the product.

So whether it’s WoW or D4 or their trash mobile games or whatever, clearly the sales and marketing people are running the show now. The creative product people have been driven out of the company. And so (to get back on topic) decisions like removing dungeon finder are made. All they care about is profits. And, more specifically, short-term profits. Selling boosts. Selling deluxe editions. Obviously the dungeon finder would vastly increase the long-term health of the game, but that’s not a concern of theirs. Cashing in and then moving on is the design philosophy of Classic.

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Hey I saw someone gathering an ore node today. Good thing RDF isnt in the game

I don’t even disagree with this.

I’m very much against the hyper-monetization habit of a lot of developers these days. I’m with you there.

So what you want to do is alter the game for literally everyone on account of the handful of people who play on dead servers and Im also to labor under the assumption its because we actually care about the few down trodden people on dead servers?

And we care about the down trodden people on dead servers because we love the game so much and just to prove how much we love and care about the game we personally finance chinese sweat shops operations into profitable ventures - cuz we really care about the game and its players.

See, why dont I believe you? Even if you really do care about the financial stability of people on dead servers that still doesnt make them necessary for making groups. Oh well too bad for you.

Although. maybe you could start a go fund me for financially strapped players and help them get off their servers. If thats your big concern that is.

Yes, Id rather the game be made better for everyone. We can currently see from the state of pugging that the current state of it is terrible.

RDF not being in the game is giving the chinese sweat shop operations more of a market.

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  • No teleport
  • No extra rewards
  • Same realm only

The RDF is still plenty convenient and useful for the purposes that you need it for without those things.

Remember, Blizzard already decided to remove it. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too.

If you want compromise, stop acting so divided and meet in the middle.