I hate that it is not being added. There are so many old world dungeons I will not go to due to this. Needing to spend an hour or more trying to find a group for something is a waste of time when you should be able to queue up and then go off and do whatever else. It is limiting.
What do you think are the positives of having Dungeon Finder?
It makes old content accessible for people while leveling and allows you to form groups easier at max level.
What do you think are the negatives of having Dungeon Finder?
None. If they leave raids out of it and limit it so you cannot run the same heroic multiple times. Let people not use it if they don’t want to.
Do you think an hybrid solution could be implemented, whether it be a partial Dungeon Finder or a different solution altogether, and what could that solution be, if you can think of any?
Sure. Like I said above, leave raids out and limit how many heroics you can do a day. Make it so old world dungeons, it teleports you there but in Wrath you still need to get there.
I’m happy. It shouldn’t be added at all. It completely dismantles any form of community and accountability on a server (tho this is hard on megaservers anyways). It wasn’t added until near the predetermined end of OG WOTLK coming in with the same patch as ICC. The end was pushed back a few months however, so it ended up being around for almost half the xpac.
No need to quest, talk with people, join a guild, when you can dungeon spam. Makes WoW a completely solitary game.
It completely gets rid of any social interaction that defined the game and made it great. People no longer needed to give a crap about others, didn’t join guilds or barely interacted with them. The game became entirely self serving. It also stops people from interacting with the world.
I do, if it was only via realm, and everyone still needed to get to the summoning stone/dungeon entrance.
all these anti RDF’ers on here… you all exude selfishness. its completely crazy. you want wow without choices. and screw anyone who wants gameplay options, all so you can gate keep. this tired “it dismantles/kills any form of community and accountability” bs. its a ridiculous excuse because RDF NEVER did that, the changing community did it, not a tool that offered options.
you realize the insanity of this statement when RDF literally PUTS YOU ON A TEAM. a team that still has to work together, a team that can talk to each other, a team that can learn to work together.
wrong again, maybe it was your approach to socializing… RDF was a useful tool in building a 300+ member guild that still exists in retail today. ive attended real life weddings and holidays with people i met through RDF and joined the guild. folks from other servers transferred to join my guild on our server.
so do everyone a favor, stop the bs… tell the truth.
you dont like the idea of RDF because you cant gatekeep the runs for alot of folks on the server, you lose your sense of control and you hate that idea.
I would like it added. It feels a bit weird without it.
Less time and effort putting a group together, lesser played specs or overplayed specs get a fair chance to do content, makes it possible to do content that isn’t commonly done as the current experience means many dungeons get skipped, ease of socializing with new folks.
If it’s made cross-realm there could be issues with people not being able to be held accountable for abusing the system.
Maybe realm-restricted and teleports everyone to the meeting stone would be cool.
A team of people you never need to interact with at all. It’s a solitary game. Everyone else in that party is also doing their own thing and don’t give a flying fook about anyone else in the party. You will never see them again.
My OG guild had been together since Vanilla… also had marriages, house parties, funerals, vacations together, and that spanned from Vanilla until the end of WOTLK. Tho I am still amazing RL friends with many of them.
I am telling the truth. My truth and my experience is different than yours. So is my opinion. I also don’t need to give a flying rats behind about your opinion, as it’s not relative to mine. And you need to just deal with that.
then go get your friends, guild up, and dont worry about rdf. stop trying to take choices away from people who just want a tool that WAS IN THE ORIGINAL. and you put your opinion in public so i am free to contradict your opinion with my own experiences.
No. This thread is about individual opinions, for a specific person. I’m going to give my damn opinion. Just like you can give yours. To the original author. I am extremely opposed to it, and it wasn’t in the entirety of the XPAC. So deal with it. Don’t like it, don’t play it.
so i dont get to express my opnion without being attacked and insulted and brushed aside. did i attack your statements? yes, to refute them with my experiences. but i never once asked you to care about my opinion. i was giving the OTHER SIDE of the story yet yu jumped me for it. yet you may have not read my statements completely as you missed the part of my experience that said clearly… i had people transferring to the server i was on to join my guild, these people i would NEVER have met without RDF. yet you claim people will never see those they meet in rdf ever again.
and if you want to talk about when the rdf hit the xpac, best check your version numbers… the version we are being given on the 26th is AFTER RDF had been added to the original wrath.
so deal with that and same answer… when they add rdf back… dont like it dont play it. and in case you missed it, they readded the que from anywhere BG service today that they had removed.
You can, not to me, to the OP. I don’t give a crap about your opinion, especially when you’re attacking me for mine. So sod off, and stop responding to me. I do not care about you, or your opinion. Nor do I ever have to. No one does. You are invalid to me.
Lots of things weren’t in for the entirety of the expansion.
Dual talents came in 3.1. Can you get dual talents from the start of WotLK classic?
What about all the class changes? We have the 3.3.5 version of that? They weren’t around for the entirety of the expansion. Perhaps they shouldn’t use those as well.
Blizzard is giving us a 3.3.5 they can stagger content, but RDF isn’t content.
They are only doing this because of how overtuned DKs were in the beginning. I am more than happy to not have dual talents or anything else they added later in WOTLK. LFD came out in 3.3.0, which came out December 8 2009, and I know I barely used it, same with the majority of people I know. It was the start of that lazy retail mentality. It can stay gone, imo.
You mean we should have to work harder to play our video game? Cool take.
Imagine not being able to play your Xbox or Playstation, until you spend an hour every day finding all the right components to turn it on.
If the finder was locked to a server instead of cross server I have no problem with it.
I think it would actually HELP with building friends on your server, making the community stronger through forced introductions.
When the group finder goes cross server you end up with all sorts of toxic behaviour as people do not need to play nice as they have zero blowback for their reputation on the server. Ninja looting, trolling type behaviour are normal. Part of the reason Blizzard eventually added personal loot…
So I am both heavily FOR and heavily AGAINST the system.
It’s not a solitary game when you’re playing with 4 other people. For me pugs are just the same as a rdf group. No one chats about the weather, their job, the wife and kids, troubles with their neighbors. Even if you claim I’m anti-social If people were talking I’d hear it. Even if I was totally silent I’d hear the other 4 people in my group chattering away. It just doesn’t happen in 99% of the pugs. Given my experience I just don’t believe your pugs are chatting either.
They can still manually form every single dungeon group they want to run with RDF in the game. They never have to group with a stranger. They can huff and puff all the want, but that’s a fact.
If you barely used it and most of your friends didn’t use it then how do you know what it was like, just hearsay. And why do you care if other people used it while you were off playing with your friends and never using it. I used it all the time and so did my friends. It made me more active in the game and with my guild. I’d log on, go somewhere to quest or farm. Then I’d ask in guild if anyone wants to do a dungeon. A couple would usually join and we’d get in the rdf queue. After the dungeon I’d go back to quest or farm some more. Not lazy at all, busy doing the content be it questing, farming, of dungeon runs.
Before rdf I sit in Dalaran spamming /4 looking for a group. I wasn’t lazy but I wasn’t doing the content of the game. I wasn’t playing the game.